Monday, February 13, 2012

Catch Up.

It has been such a busy couple of weeks I haven't even had the time to write. So here is a brief overview of what our lives have been like.
Starting with Sammy. We had to go 2 days for testing with the school to see if he qualified for therapy through them. The first day didn't go so well as he wasn't happy about being at a school regardless of what games they wanted to play. But, we got through it and he even opted to forgo a toy and go straight to his "brother" Landon's house. The second time he knew more of what to expect and did a lot better. It did take a little longer considering Sammy had some information he wanted to share with the ladies. Including but not limited to Peter Parker's secret identity is Spider Man, all the Hero Factory toys he has and what purpose they each serve, as well as all the things he could remember about Iron Man. He also informed them that Connor and Landon I quote " have lots and lots of money." I'll have to check those facts but the teachers seemed impressed.
Now, on to Liam. Aunt Garlyn and Cameron were visiting and Garlyn was sure she could get him to go on the potty. Of course he did great for her. He never actually went pee pee but, he did wear underwear and try. As soon as she left for the store he peed all over Keisha's kitchen floor. So we are back to square one with that.
As a family we are trying to make sure everyone has a part in clean up at night so mommy isn't so completely overwhelmed. Last night I asked Sammy and Liam to pick up the play room and Sammy said " we already made the mess why do we have to clean it up too?"  So that pretty much sums up how that is going. Me pointing to exactly what needs to be picked up and exactly where it goes and Liam trying his best to use his smallness to his advantage while hiding from me, and Sammy complaining how many aches and pains cleaning causes him.
I've been asked if I ever wish for a normal day and my response is and always will be "this is my normal.'

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