Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brotherly Love

Sammy and Liam are definitely at an age where they enjoy each others company more. But the still have their moments. Most days I have to call Josh and share the humorous things that are being said. One of their "other" moments was on the way to he meeting last week. Sammy doesn't dress up and Liam loves to. So as they are sitting in the back seat together Liam ask Sammy if his hair is sticking up. Sammy replies that he will never tell Liam even if it is. Liam in a raised voice said " I need to know Sammy. I can't go to the meeting with my hair messed up!" To which Sammy yelled back "I don't care if you do have to go like that!"  I guess we got our first glimpse of what it will be like taking two teenage boys to the meetings.

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