Thursday, July 12, 2012

You Wouldn't Think I'd Have To Say This More Than Once.

I think we have all had those deja vue moments. Where you feel like you have been here or seen this before. It's an odd feeling. Lately I have heard words come out of my mouth and as I am saying them I am thinking "I've used this expression recently haven't I ?" And the answer turns out to be YES!
Some examples of this weeks recurring phrases are "don't put your mouth on the dogs nose", "don't yell it smells like pee out the car window", "we absolutely have to throw away the dog's poop bags", "why are your underwear on inside out and backwards ?", "pasta isn't a snack to bring to the meeting", "it's not nice to try to smell someones underarm", and "peanut butter isn't something we keep in the night stand."
And this hasn't been too bad of a week as far as these sayings go. There have been much worse, but that's a different post.

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