Tuesday, December 11, 2012

King of the World, King of the Paradise

Like most autistic people, Sammy has a certain way of thinking and doesn't understand why everyone wouldn't want to think that exact same way.
Our neighbors grandson comes to visit them from time to time and usually makes his way over here to see what the boys are doing outside. When he was visiting around thanksgiving, Sammy saw him and ran inside to ask me if Anthony knew about Jehovah. I explained that not everyone does and that we have to teach people. After going back outside Sammy called Anthony over and said "do you know about Jehovah?" To which Anthony said "who's Jehovah?" And Sammy in a loud, almost annoyed voice said "Anthony, he is  king of the world, king of the paradise!" The conversation ended there and Anthony went home confused I am sure. Later Sammy wondered why Anthony wasn't at the meeting since he told him all about Jehovah. Out of the mouth of babes

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