Sunday, January 6, 2013


We take the boys to the library weekly. If we can do it on a Saturday then we time it when it's not so crowded so that Sammy can feel comfortable. If we go during the week Paw Paw Dennis takes us and it is really the best time to go for Sammy. He picks out the movies he wants and then randomly picks books from the fiction section. One day he picked The Great Gatsby and said I could read it to him. I politely said I would rather pick a book from the kids section to read to them. Then when check out time came the nice lady who checked us out said for us to have a nice Christmas. Sammy proudly said "Excuse me, we don't celebrate Christmas. We are Jehovah's Witnessessssssss." I was so proud of him that I didn't even mention there was a few too many s'.

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