Tuesday, January 8, 2013


When I started this blog it was titled Who's poop is under my fingernails? I changed it when I felt I was finally over the pooping problems or at least they were under control. I've had some really horrible, disgusting, and unbelievable experiences with poop. You would think I have a stomach that is rock hard and not much would make me cringe. Once again these boys of mine have proven me wrong.
Since getting our cute dog CupCake I can often be heard saying "don't let her lick you!" The roles recently reversed. I walked in to find Sammy licking the dog's face. I thought I was going to throw up. We have always had issues with him licking inappropriate things, like the floor at Wal-Mart or tables at restaurants even the ones we weren't sitting at, but the dog? I know I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Even as I type this my face has a look of digust on it. I should start a new blog titled "things Sammy has licked". I just don't have time to list all the things on that topic.

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