Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hurdle Jumpers

If you watched the Olympics you've seen the guys and gals that jump hurdles. I watched them closely because I realized how similar my life has been to them. They start off slow and you can see they have to put some real effort to getting over those first few hurdles. Then it seems to get easier they build up their confidence. But if you continue to watch you we that towards the end they are running out of energy and those last few hurdles take a lot of strength to get over. You are probably wondering how on earth I can compare myself to an Olympic athlete. Well, I have Liam. Just when I think things are going good, my confidence is built up then he takes all my energy. He like to see proof of everything I tell him. His famous saying is "let me see. " It could be me telling him there is no more peanut butter left, let me see. Or something as simply as saying his eyes are blue. No they're not they are green. It is. Always something with him. I find myself wantin to say those dreaded words of " Because I said so!!!" But just like those jumpers get thru it and are working for a reward, I continue to show him empty PB jars and say that sometimes his eyes can look green. I'm not sure what my reward will be since we still have to get thru the teen and early twenties when he will really think he knows everything. Maybe I will build up my leg strength like those atheletes to give him a swift kick in the tushy.

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