Thursday, February 14, 2013

The past 24 hours

This has been quite a month for us. We had the flu, then the stomach flu, followed by colds/bronchitis, and now cabin fever. The weather hasn't been good either. So we've been together 24/7 right on top of each other. So here are some actually conversations the boys and I have had just in the past 24 hours.
Me: Your underwear are on inside out.
Sammy: How do you know?
Me: Because I can see the label. Why aren't you wearing your shorts?
Sammy: it's too hot to wear any clothes.
Me: It's 35 degrees outside. Put on some shorts!

Me: Is it really necessary for both of you to sit outside the bathroom door while I am using it?
Boys: We missed you.
Me: I think it's ok to be separated for a few minutes while I use the bathroom.
Liam: OK OK, we'll give you some piracy.
Me: (thinking to myself) I've got to find a speech therapist.

Me: What are you doing in my closet?
Liam: I found a cane and I was using it to swing. (He was hooking it over the clothes rack and hanging from it)
Me: Don't do that. You could break it or hurt yourself.
Liam: you mean don't do I when you'rearound?
Me: No. I mean don't do it ever again.
Liam: you mean don't do it ever again when you are in the room?
Me: Give me the cane!

Me: Sammy, did you let Cupcake out this morning?
Sammy: Yes.
Me: And she did all her business?
Sammy: Yes
Me: why is she acting like she needs to go out ?
Sammy: I called her back in before she peed or pooped.
Sammy: Because its cold outside.
Me: Then why did you say she did all her business?
Sammy: I thought sniffing was her business.

These are just a few examples of many why Me feels like she is going crazy!

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