Sunday, April 29, 2012

FFFFinally FFFFeeling Better

I have always been sensitive to medications. I easily get loopy, hysterically laugh or cry, and have been known to say a few four letter words while taking Rx medications. So when my Doctor put me on Synthroid for my thyroid it was expected that I would experience some side effect. What was surprising is that for the first three days I stuttered uncontrollably. It is a rare side effect, so of course its the one I got. One might think that after all I write about my kids may or may not notice this. Well, they did. Sammy would look at me like I was an alien and Liam often got frustrated with me and would say " stop doing that!" Thankfully I could have a good sense of humor about it otherwise I might have gotten my feelings hurt. Its not like I haven't had to deal with more than one of their "quirks". For example, Sammy telling me he would like to tell me something and then saying repeatedly "I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that"..... and then I say "what is it!?" His response is "Mommy are you mad? Why do you sound mad?" But, I put a smile on and reassure him that I am not upset I just want him to get to the point. So when he gave me that look for not being able to quickly get my own thoughts out you can imagine how I felt.
Then, of course Liam who likes to talk about bodily functions on a regular basis, whether we are in public, private, or just saying goodnight he works the word gas into all of his sentences. But I frustrated him. Josh was the nicest of all other than my mother, unlike my older sisters who found it quite funny. Those where the longest three days but, I made it through and I am hoping to be on the road to recovery. I wouldn't want to put this bunch I live with through too much more. I can only dream of being shown the same consideration :)

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