Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sometimes I Love You, And Sometimes I Don't

My dear son Liam can be a handful most of the time. At night though I get to see a much softer calmer side of him. When he is tired with heavy eyes he becomes very affectionate and a sweet talker. He often will lay next to me with his arms around my neck, kissing my cheeks and telling me how much he loves his mommy. Last night when he cuddled up next to me and gave me that big hug my heart warmed. Seeing those little lips form to give me a big kiss well, its a moment that I treasure. After my endearing hugs and kisses he said "Mommy I need to tell you something." Having shared such a special moment I was ready to hear what a wonderful mom he thinks I am or how pretty I am in his eyes. Instead he said "Sometimes I really love you, and sometimes I don't." I wish these type of comments from Liam would surprise me but they don't. So I calmly asked "is this a time that you love me?" He quickly responded "Yes" so naturally the next question was " then when don't you love me?" He looked at me so seriously with those big blue eyes heavy with tiredness and said " let me think... Like when you spank me or tell me to do something I don't want to do."  I just simply replied that  I'll take all the love I can get from him and tried in my drowsy state reminded him that it might hurt my feelings when he says he doesn't love me. In true Liam form having to always have the last word he said " Well, then don't spank me and I'll always love you." I just turned my head and smiled to myself in the dark thinking that when I was pregnant for him, I told Josh "this one is going to be something else." Boy was I right!

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