Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Family Is Growing!

After much consideration Josh and I decided that one more would make our family complete. We really wanted a girl and that's just what we got! So introducing Cup Cake. Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief that its not another child I am talking about. She is a sweet girl who loves the boys and they are completely in love with her. Just when I thought my days of poop were over, now I am following around this little 12 lb creature while I hold a black bag to pick up after she finishes her "business." This should be the last expansion our family makes. The sad part is that she is probably a lot cuter than a a human daughter Josh and I would produce. I mean don't get me wrong our boys are handsome boys, but they wouldn't be the cutest girls. We would end up with a wide, big boned girl, who may or may not eventually loose her hair. So this seemed like a good alternative.

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