Monday, May 21, 2012

2 Active Boys + A Mommy With Half A Thyroid = A Very Long Day

It's no secret that I have been dealing with some health issues lately. As usual the doctors don't quite know what is going on and hopefully after a series of test they will finally have an answer as to what is going on with me. Until then this is how my days have been going.
 I barely sleep at night then, around 5:00 am I feel like I could get into a deep sleep. That is suddenly interrupted by Liam getting as close to my face as possible to loudly inform me its morning time! At this point Sammy is usually already up and having a rather lengthy conversation with Cupcake. I beg Josh to get them set up and let me just sleep 20 more minutes which he very lovingly does. My 20 minutes is usually shortened by the high noise level coming from the playroom or Liam thinking I am the only person who can make coffee and bagels. I stumble up unable to drink a cup of coffee myself because I have to take thyroid medicine that prevents me from eating or drinking for 30 minutes.
The only thing that keeps me awake is my dad coming over for coffee followed by a number of stories from Sammy that I technically already heard when he was talking to Cupcake. The boys help me not to drift off by making sure I am not relieved of my duties as a Super Hero's sidekick. All the time I am dizzy, have a headache, and would give my left arm for some sleep.
Thankfully lunch time comes early when you wake up early. After that I force them to lay down with me since they recently opened the door to a stranger while I was in the bathroom they can't be trusted. They usually fight me about a nap until they both peacefully fall asleep. By this time I have to pee for the nine hundredth time that day. (another wonderful side effect of the thyroid medicine) This stops me from having a nap. So I wake up almost as tired as I went to sleep. More rounds of fighting, even longer stories, and a whole lot more energy since they got a nap. Still drowsy I settle disputes, make snacks, space out, count down the minutes until Josh gets home, and try to think with a brain that isn't working, about what's for dinner.
In the mean time I sit outside while they play thinking the whole time how comfortable my bed is. Walk Cupcake thinking I could fall asleep standing up, and then have dinner with my family while wondering if I fall face first into my plate will anyone notice?
I guess my point is that I am a very tired mommy. At the end of the day I don't remember how I got through it and then sleep for 2 hours, try to convince myself that if I sleep 4 hours I will feel great the next day. Only to watch the hours go by knowing there isn't much time before Liam will once again inform me its morning time!

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