Monday, June 18, 2012

I think Cup Cake Reads This Blog!

First let me say that it is a pet peeve of mine to have a blog and not write something frequently. I apologize that I have done that myself. But, I believe I am back on track.

Cup Cake is one of the best dogs I have ever been around. She listens so well, learns so fast, and is the perfect companion. Everyone she comes in contact with comments on how great she is. She got groomed this weekend and the groomer couldn't believe that Cup Cake just let her do her job without a moments trouble. And she seems to love everyone. Everyone that is except Liam. Any other kid can be around her and pull at her, pet her, they can be loud, run around, and she shows no sign of it bothering her. But, if Liam stands by her, she growls. If he tries petting her, she growls. If he picks up her toy, she doesn't want to play. I wish I could say I was surprised. Aunt Garlyn put it best when she said this is pay back for all the people Liam has growled at. When I took the above picture Cup Cake started off with most of her body in his lap, but she is trying so hard to get away from him only her head could be held on to.

I know exactly why Cup Cake reacts this way as does anyone who reads this blog. Liam is not the easiest going person. He has to have a beef with someone. He claims that he really likes Cup Cake and wants to be good to her. Then, I catch him trying to put a clothes pin on her tail. I caught him that time but who knows if he succeeded another time. So there is only one of two options, she is either a very intuitive dog or she reads this blog and knew what she was getting into.

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