Thursday, June 21, 2012

Liam's Imatation Of Life

When someone ask me what first attracted me to Josh, I say that first it was those gorgeous blue eyes of his. Then, it was his charming ways. I have recently learned that the charm didn't fall far from the tree. Pretty much every night Liam will put on Josh's glasses and says " I'm daddy you be mommy, Sammy, and or daddy." We play along and then he imitates what he thinks Josh would say or do. So when he did it the other night, he was Josh and I was instructed to be Sammy. Playing the part of Sammy I said " daddy I need help playing a game on the laptop." Liam playing the part of Josh responded in an attempt at a deep voice with " I can't right now son I have to kiss my beautiful mother." I am sure he meant to say wife instead of mother he was probably just confused at who he was portraying at the moment. I thought how sweet he was being, but the next day while playing outside the girl from next door came outside. Liam runs to the border of our yards and puts both arms up enough that his shirt showed his stomach and he said " oh these muscles of mine what am I going to do with them." It was at that moment I knew he had inherited his fathers charm and a little of his corniness. It was also then that the fear of him being a teenager chilled me to the bones.

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