Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Learn A New Word Every Day.

 Sammy and Liam are known for one thing while watching movies, TALKING! It doesn't matter if they watch it numerous times or if they are seeing it for the first time. They ask questions, talk about what is going to happen or what they think is going to happen, and of course like to tell you what will happen next.

So this weekend when they watched The Bee Movie for the first time, as usual there was a lot of talking. There is a part in the movie when Barry (voiced by Jerry Seinfield) leaves the hive and upon returning tells his friend he met a girl. ( If you've seen the movie you know he met a human) His friend replies " I just hope she is beeish." I understood this to be a play on words like saying she should be Jewish. Sammy replied "No, she is Hu-mish." Then, he looked at me like, those bee's are dumb.

I've had to get good at silent laughing.

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