Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Very Own Simon Cowell

We have had as usual a long bad battle with a cold. All four of us caught it and it didn't want to let go. Since Sammy seems to keep things the longest and as I have mentioned before is affected unlike any of us. A high fever means he will be super hyper, unable to sleep, and when he does he has nightmares. So when he came to bed and wanted to snuggle I was thrilled to have a break. Then he sweetly said " Mommy please sing me a song." Even though I wasn't feeling well myself I would do anything to comfort him at this time. I cleared my throat and half awake went into a rendition of "You are My Sunshine". After I was finished Sammy looked at me with those big blue eyes and said " Thank you mommy. Your singing was so bad it scared away all the bad dreams." He was as sincere as he could be and I believe he thought my intentions were to sing badly. I will admit he may not be the first person I have come across who hasn't enjoyed my singing voice, but its not like I was auditioning for America Idol. I was trying to comfort my sick child. If I had known judgement would come after I would have picked something more in my range. So I will keep my day job of mothering and have a little more sympathy for the contestants who have their dreams shattered.

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