Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Secret Identities

When I was a little girl I use to play "Ladies" with my sister and many of our friends. This usually involved purses, jewelry, and old check books. We had famous husbands who were mega billionaires. My dad even stood in as butler / waiter when he was home. We were served white wine (milk) and the finest cavier (total and cheese my dad's invention). We gave servers tips of twenty thousand dollars. Keisha used the broom as her husband and mine was the mop. Unfortunately he didn't become a servant of Jehovah right away due to his long hair. But, when mama bought a sponge mop I shrieked with joy that my husband could get baptized. If any one would have told that little girl she would end up having two little boys who included her in all their "gentlemen" games she wouldn't have believed it. Now I'm Super Woman, Bat Woman, Iron Man Woman, Spider Woman, She Hulk, and the occasional villian. I have numerous powers including but not limited to webs, solar rays, extreme strength, and most days I can fly.
I don't need a purse anymore it's been replaced with armor, shields, and gadgets. I no longer have a butler instead I have a sidekick. No more jewelry, I wear various capes and suits. And now a days when hunger is felt across the room I'm the server. It doesn't tip as well as it use to.
As a little girl my days were filled with what I thought was fun. Now, as a mother its filled with what my boys think is fun and I completely understand why my dad always participated.

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