Thursday, March 1, 2012

Overall, it Went Well.

After all the stories I have told about our family at the meetings, I was nervous, to say the least about our 2 day assembly. Liam was dressed to the nines well, for a Pierson and Sammy had his usual t-shirt, cargo pants, and shoes with no socks. We got there Saturday just as the session started. After having their morning snack which would be considered some people's lunch and a few "get your finger out of your nose and don't wipe that on anything", it was time for lunch. The excited look on my boys face when we were singing before intermission was priceless. You could tell they were thinking "this wasn't so bad. Now lets get home." So when we went to eat lunch there was still a sparkle in their eyes. But, when we didn't leave it went from priceless to if looks could kill. But despite it all we made it through the day. And when we did arrive home the energy these two had was unbelievable. Josh and I on the other hand thought we would have to pull over at a rest stop on the hour drive home to take a nap. Then Sunday came and we had to bribe with McDonald's to get Sammy out the door. I put my makeup on in the car so we could be on time. When we got to Micky D's Liam said he wanted nothing until he saw my order and then decided he wanted exactly what I got. So trying to be a good mommy (really I was just trying to avoid another meltdown) I gave my breakfast to Liam. We made it on time and as soon as the session started the bagel sandwich Sammy had just didn't hit the spot so off we were again for the morning snack. I feel the need to mention Sammy is terrified of heights. That meant when we went upstairs for lunch he had to be carried down the stairs and since Josh was carrying the bags and Liam the job of holding our 56 lbs 5 yr old was mine. I got to the bottom sweating like I just got out of a sauna because I was wearing my 4 inch boots. It was about this time Josh and I would have welcomed one of our kids having a fever or something that would have led to us having to leave and go home. Of course, this is the one time they were healthy and we made it again through the day. The afternoon consisted of two more snack times and a lot more sweating. On the way home the boys fell asleep and Josh and I talked about how nice our weekend was. For some this may have been a lot to handle for our little family it was a great weekend.

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