Monday, March 5, 2012

An Ode to My Life.

It started with a picture, to see those blue eyes made my heart go boom boom.
After the wedding came the first year then, the delivery room.
So a little boy was born who's eyes would not shut.
His mommy ran on fumes and went putt, putt, putt.
Many tears were shed for the daddy to realize "she needs to be by her family."
We settled in and it didn't take long to see our son does not act normally.
But, our concerns were put on hold because mommy had another one on the way.
To their surprise this little boy for three weeks slept all day.
An active two year old and a sleeping baby, oh but that did not last long.
Mommy looked to daddy and said "with you there is something wrong."
You did not give me children that sleep, they stay awake and eat all day!
Mommy and daddy had to find a way for their marriage in tact to stay.
Somehow they survived this battle,
And made sure they would never have to buy another baby rattle.
Two was more than enough for this pair.
Daddy went to work with a smile and mommy did all the work this was not fair.
Time went by and came many a milestone.
Things were not easy but mommy realized she had to change her tone.
The years have passed by not so fast
Everyday they are thankful the baby days do not last.
They would finally get some kind of break,
Six years is all it would take.
Mommy has heard you are not given more than you can take.
For her that means always being awake.
This mommy is just so happy,
That everyone here uses the toilet to pee pee.

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