Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Excuse me Dr, can you prescrible something for this?

Thursday was a full day. First, I had to go to the school to drop off some paper work. Then, off to Target to get Assets and Lego's (both necessities) and finally, to my dr's appt. Of course bringing the boys with me everywhere I went. By the time we got to the dr's office the boys were very restless. I told them to sit down and be quiet while I saw the dr. Liam kept putting his foot on the floor saying "I'm still sitting" his way of testing me as usual. Sammy sat . head down butt up The dr looked like she really appreciated having his rearend in her face. Hoping they would be quiet enough that I could get in my 10 min appt and head home fast. I realized I was asking for too much. Sammy wiggled his butt the entire time while re-enacting star wars with the exception of dropping a toy and going under the dr's legs to get it almost tripping her and Liam tried to help her type, almost knocked over everything on the counter and was caught right before he pulled down one of the posters. I have a feeling the dr wrote herself a rx after our visit.

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