Saturday, October 15, 2011


Ok so after our conversation I looked up some things and thought the
results were funny.
First, this is what a typical 3 yr old should be like:3 YEARS: A three-year-old can follow simple
directions such as, “time to take a bath,” "tell him your name.” She can
also put an object in, under, or on top of a table when asked. She can also
answer simple questions about objects such as “which one is bigger?” By age
three a child understands approximately 900 words and speaks 200 words clearly.
So I asked Liam a couple of questions about who was he bigger or smaller
than and he answered all of them correctly, but his response was "bubba is
booger than me" and "baby Jasmine is faller than me"

Now on to Sammy. Here is what a typical 5 yr should be like:5 YEARS: A
child this age can follow 3 related directions such as "get your crayons, make a
picture and give it to the baby". Most letters are pronounced accurately except
perhaps for L, R, S, K, TH,
CH, SH, TH. A five-year-old can
describe objects and events and can tell you the meaning of words. A
five-year-old typically understands 2500-2800 words, speaks in 5-8 word
sentences, uses 1500-2000 words and tells long stories accurately
I asked him to get his crayons and draw a picture. After removing his shirt
from his mouth he jumped up asked "what did you say" I repeated it and he sat
down and said "I can't walk and I don't know where that stuff is". Then he went
on to tell me a very long story about his dream.
So now all we can hope for is that the little bus can pick them up at the
same time.

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