Monday, October 17, 2011

A little about me

I wanted anyone who reads this to understand who I am. I posted the pic of myself and my husband because I wanted you to know who I use to be. Look closely at that naive girl. She is looking at that man with such love thinking " I want to have lots and lots of babies with you". And she did. Even tho we only have 2 kids it seems like a whole lot more.
After having Sammy this girl was very tired but still carried that look in her eyes. After Liam she was exhausted, had oily hair, gained weight, and thought that guy is an A**. Now she knows he is an aspie (endearing term for aspergers). So, now that I am no longer a naive girl but a full grown woman who has a Hubby with aspergers, a son with autism, and a stubborn 3 year old. I have a different look in my eyes. Its the look of "who's poop is under my fingernails"? Liam is still in diapers after refusing all methods of potty training, Sammy has been potty trained for 2 years but can't adjust to the change of wiping himself, and Josh has IBS. So my life is full of poop. I'm still exhausted but now I'm on Weight Watchers so I'm hoping to be a thinner tired person soon. And sarcasm is what makes me gets through each day. To those who don't like it find another blog to read. This is my life and this is how I deal with it.

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