Saturday, October 15, 2011

How I got the name for the blog

I wish I could say I have never looked down to see one of my son's poop under my fingernails but, actually thats not even the worse place I have found their poop on me or one of my belongings.
I have to boys Sammy 5 and Liam 3. And since having them I have had poop ricoquet off the wall to hit my face, picked of a diaper to be thrown in my hair, smeared on my ivory furniture, come into the living room to find someone practice writing with it, I've had all my tupperware filled with it. seen it eaten, had it come so close to my mouth I almost ate it, had it on my clothes only to be noticed by the person I was talking to, and last but not least stepped in it numerous times.
I realize some people may not believe this and to those I say "nice to meet you my name is Kristi and I've had poop under my fingermails".
I deal with this "ideal" life by laughing and I hope you will too. On top of all the litteral poop I have some figurative poop to deal with. Sammy has autism and Liam is one of the most stubborn people in the world. Of course I love them deeply but, this life we have is bumpy and poopy.
So now that I've told you a little about my life here is an example of our day. One of my sisters recently suggested I look into getting Liam speech therapy so I googled some info. I first want to say that I have to laugh instead of crying so none of this is meant to be offensive to anyone who has autism or loves someone with it. Here's the results of my research:

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