It's no secret that I have been dealing with some health issues lately. As usual the doctors don't quite know what is going on and hopefully after a series of test they will finally have an answer as to what is going on with me. Until then this is how my days have been going.
I barely sleep at night then, around 5:00 am I feel like I could get into a deep sleep. That is suddenly interrupted by Liam getting as close to my face as possible to loudly inform me its morning time! At this point Sammy is usually already up and having a rather lengthy conversation with Cupcake. I beg Josh to get them set up and let me just sleep 20 more minutes which he very lovingly does. My 20 minutes is usually shortened by the high noise level coming from the playroom or Liam thinking I am the only person who can make coffee and bagels. I stumble up unable to drink a cup of coffee myself because I have to take thyroid medicine that prevents me from eating or drinking for 30 minutes.
The only thing that keeps me awake is my dad coming over for coffee followed by a number of stories from Sammy that I technically already heard when he was talking to Cupcake. The boys help me not to drift off by making sure I am not relieved of my duties as a Super Hero's sidekick. All the time I am dizzy, have a headache, and would give my left arm for some sleep.
Thankfully lunch time comes early when you wake up early. After that I force them to lay down with me since they recently opened the door to a stranger while I was in the bathroom they can't be trusted. They usually fight me about a nap until they both peacefully fall asleep. By this time I have to pee for the nine hundredth time that day. (another wonderful side effect of the thyroid medicine) This stops me from having a nap. So I wake up almost as tired as I went to sleep. More rounds of fighting, even longer stories, and a whole lot more energy since they got a nap. Still drowsy I settle disputes, make snacks, space out, count down the minutes until Josh gets home, and try to think with a brain that isn't working, about what's for dinner.
In the mean time I sit outside while they play thinking the whole time how comfortable my bed is. Walk Cupcake thinking I could fall asleep standing up, and then have dinner with my family while wondering if I fall face first into my plate will anyone notice?
I guess my point is that I am a very tired mommy. At the end of the day I don't remember how I got through it and then sleep for 2 hours, try to convince myself that if I sleep 4 hours I will feel great the next day. Only to watch the hours go by knowing there isn't much time before Liam will once again inform me its morning time!
Life with an autistic son, one of the most stubborn 4 yr olds, and a husband who is oblivious to it all.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Our Family Is Growing!
After much consideration Josh and I decided that one more would make our family complete. We really wanted a girl and that's just what we got! So introducing Cup Cake. Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief that its not another child I am talking about. She is a sweet girl who loves the boys and they are completely in love with her. Just when I thought my days of poop were over, now I am following around this little 12 lb creature while I hold a black bag to pick up after she finishes her "business." This should be the last expansion our family makes. The sad part is that she is probably a lot cuter than a a human daughter Josh and I would produce. I mean don't get me wrong our boys are handsome boys, but they wouldn't be the cutest girls. We would end up with a wide, big boned girl, who may or may not eventually loose her hair. So this seemed like a good alternative.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Indi Visible Bo Bo's
Kissing bo bo's has been around as long as mankind. Kids love when they can show there "war" wounds. My boys are no exception. Of course I have always tried to make them feel that my kisses can heal their scrapes and bites. Even when Liam comes limping in because the grass grazed his foot or when Samuel tripped over his own feet I stop what I am doing to attend to them. Most of the time a band aid and neosporin aren't even necessary, but we invest in them anyway. Around here band aids are used on new and really old bo bo's. So this morning when Liam was looking for some lovin' but couldn't find a bo bo anywhere on his body he said " My bo bo's are indi visible." In which Sammy responded " I have some of those too." Josh swooped Liam up to give those indi visible bo bo's some attention. And I kissed Sammy's forehead just so he didn't feel left out. Josh and I never mind this part of the job and as long as these two little boys have visible or indi visible bo bo's we will be there with kissed and band aids. If we would have known how many band aids we would use in their lifetimes we would have bought some stock in them early on.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sometimes I Love You, And Sometimes I Don't
My dear son Liam can be a handful most of the time. At night though I get to see a much softer calmer side of him. When he is tired with heavy eyes he becomes very affectionate and a sweet talker. He often will lay next to me with his arms around my neck, kissing my cheeks and telling me how much he loves his mommy. Last night when he cuddled up next to me and gave me that big hug my heart warmed. Seeing those little lips form to give me a big kiss well, its a moment that I treasure. After my endearing hugs and kisses he said "Mommy I need to tell you something." Having shared such a special moment I was ready to hear what a wonderful mom he thinks I am or how pretty I am in his eyes. Instead he said "Sometimes I really love you, and sometimes I don't." I wish these type of comments from Liam would surprise me but they don't. So I calmly asked "is this a time that you love me?" He quickly responded "Yes" so naturally the next question was " then when don't you love me?" He looked at me so seriously with those big blue eyes heavy with tiredness and said " let me think... Like when you spank me or tell me to do something I don't want to do." I just simply replied that I'll take all the love I can get from him and tried in my drowsy state reminded him that it might hurt my feelings when he says he doesn't love me. In true Liam form having to always have the last word he said " Well, then don't spank me and I'll always love you." I just turned my head and smiled to myself in the dark thinking that when I was pregnant for him, I told Josh "this one is going to be something else." Boy was I right!
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