Life with an autistic son, one of the most stubborn 4 yr olds, and a husband who is oblivious to it all.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Snow Toss
A Day in the Life of Meeting Night.
I like to imagine what its like for other families on meeting nights. I think about how they prepare for the meetings, have dinner and then at the appropriate time get dressed. I assume they walk out and the kids jump in the car. That sounds delightful! This is how our past Tuesday went; After having coffee with Paw Paw I got my books together to study that was around 10:30 am. I didn't get to prepare at that moment though. It was time to make the mid morning snack, break up several fights about imaginary things being taken from one another, then it was lunch time which meant I gulped down something and while chewing was counting the points of my food. I sat down only to be called to clean up the lunch that had been dropped (it doesn't matter by whom since it happens daily) after I had to change diapers, and clothes since a spot in the shirt is traumatic for two of the messiest boys in the world. This probably sounds like a simple task but since Sammy only wants blue or super hero shirts and Liam only wants green it isn't simple. By then it was time for the afternoon snack and off to nap time. Thinking I would study while Liam slept was silly of me. Sammy wanted some special time with me that means I listen as he tells a very long story while acting it out I assume. His loud stomping and even louder whispers wake Liam up who acts like he hasn't been fed at all that day. Now its time for mid afternoon snacks. So by 4:30 when I finally studied I had the wrong KM but, I finally got the right info and my studying was done. After feeding the boys dinner, Sammy had 4 pulled pork sandwiches Josh got home and I was able to take a shower. When it was time to get them dressed. Josh got a phone call (he is on call this week) and wasn't able to help. Liam got dressed no problem Sammy hated everything I had picked out for him. After trying on 4 things he found something wrong with everything I told him he had to pick something and he picked the sleeveless shirt he was wearing and a sweater vest to go over it which brought out the Pierson fashion sense in him. We of course were late because Josh was on the phone but, we got there. Sammy picked his nose most of the time but we were there. So if at any time during the meeting someone looks over and I appear to be day dreaming its because I am, and its about what it might have been like for someone who is handicap or for the one who has to rush to the meeting and how I would trade with them for a day.
Monday, January 23, 2012
How was your weekend?
We had one of the best weekends we've had in a long time. The boys and I have had this virus that is like a cold and makes me extremely tired and the two of them extremely moody. After a week of feeling like my head would never be clear I got to go grocery shopping for a weeks worth of food on a budget. I came home and Josh's gout is acting up so he is having trouble walking. Then after a much needed family nap, I was waiting for my lifetime movie of the week to come on but I missed it by an hour. Thankfully Sunday turned out much better. I barely slept the night before so Josh got up with the boys and and let me sleep. I woke up with a terrible headache and my head was so foggy. Most of my day was spent in bed along with Liam who was attached to me and screamed several times very loudly. But, today is Monday and we are off to a good start. Liam had horrible diarrhea twice before noon and it smelled like death, Sammy is having uncontrollable gas, and I have a large fever blister on top of my lip. This week's looking up already. All we can hope for is diarrhea a couple times a day and we have Sammy's testing with the special education district to look forward to.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Hard at Work.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Butterscotch Pudding.
Having kids has made my life better in so many ways. I have learned things about myself and what I am capable of that I otherwise would never have known. I can now have patience in ways I never could before. And even though I never considered myself haughty being a mom has without a doubt humbled me. That being said, I love the taste of butterscotch. Whether its candy, ice cream, or one of my favorites, pudding. Its one of my comfort foods. I usually treat myself on occasion to it. So of all the good these two boys have brought to my life, they ruined butterscotch pudding for me!
When my kids get sick it goes like this, sneeze-going to have diarrhea, cough-going to have diarrhea, have fever- going to have diarrhea, and so on, I think you get the point. So when Liam sneezed at the meeting Sunday I knew that meant he was coming down with something and that would equal diarrhea. That would also mean he would pass whatever it is on to his brother and that would also equal diarrhea. So, now that they both have colds and we are going on 4 days of colds/diarrhea I won't be able to look at butterscotch pudding for quite a while. You know its bad when the smell hits and your not even in the same room as them. Or when you are changing a diaper only to hear "mommy I'm done" from the other room. When 30 mins after it over you still smell it like it just happened. When your husband comes home and wonders what horrible thing did I burn for dinner and its just the smell lingering.
And if anyone who reads this was thinking that the title of this blog didn't seem to apply anymore I'm here to tell you it does!
When my kids get sick it goes like this, sneeze-going to have diarrhea, cough-going to have diarrhea, have fever- going to have diarrhea, and so on, I think you get the point. So when Liam sneezed at the meeting Sunday I knew that meant he was coming down with something and that would equal diarrhea. That would also mean he would pass whatever it is on to his brother and that would also equal diarrhea. So, now that they both have colds and we are going on 4 days of colds/diarrhea I won't be able to look at butterscotch pudding for quite a while. You know its bad when the smell hits and your not even in the same room as them. Or when you are changing a diaper only to hear "mommy I'm done" from the other room. When 30 mins after it over you still smell it like it just happened. When your husband comes home and wonders what horrible thing did I burn for dinner and its just the smell lingering.
And if anyone who reads this was thinking that the title of this blog didn't seem to apply anymore I'm here to tell you it does!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Where's my dollar?
As a parent you are never prepared for what your children will say. After Sammy lost his first tooth he was very upset that he had lost that tooth forever. I was trying to explain to him that those are only his baby teeth. I asked if he knew what happens when baby teeth fall out and he replied "yes I put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy will bring me a dollar." My first thought was "a dollar?" but of course I didn't tell him that. I explained that was false. He lost his second tooth, and today he asked if he could see it. I showed him the tooth and he said "I wonder when I'm getting my dollar for that?" I'm so glad he takes our talks to heart. By the way even if we did believe in the tooth fairy she wouldn't be leaving a dollar that's for sure.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Read the fine print before signing.
Liam seems to get a real thrill out of irritating Sammy. He will usually follow Sammy around, repeat everything Sammy says, or waits until just the right moment to get to his brothers special toy seconds before Sammy, which infuriates him. So last week when Sammy woke up on the defense with a list of things he didn't want Liam doing, of course I had to referee. I explained that Liam just loves him so much and wants them to be best friends. Sammy replied that he already has a BFF and its Landon. OK, different approach. I reminded Sammy that Liam is the only brother he has and that they will be brothers forever. So instead of constantly talking about what they don't like they should try to get along. I almost smiled thinking I had reached Sammy's heart and that I had done a good job of settling this when Sammy put his right hand on his forehead and said " I didn't sign up for this!" In my head I am saying "of course you didn't none of us did! Do you think when I signed up for JW Connect I thought I would get a non stop pooping, all have issues family?" But, you can't tell a 5 year old that. I decided to wait for Josh to get home and take it out on him :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Flipping Off and Flirting On.
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