Monday, January 23, 2012

How was your weekend?

We had one of the best weekends we've had in a long time. The boys and I have had this virus that is like a cold and makes me extremely tired and the two of them extremely moody. After a week of feeling like my head would never be clear I got to go grocery shopping for a weeks worth of food on a budget. I came home and Josh's gout is acting up so he is having trouble walking. Then after a much needed family nap, I was waiting for my lifetime movie of the week to come on but I missed it by an hour. Thankfully Sunday turned out much better. I barely slept the night before so Josh got up with the boys and and let me sleep. I woke up with a terrible headache and my head was so foggy. Most of my day was spent in bed along with Liam who was attached to me and screamed several times very loudly. But, today is Monday and we are off to a good start. Liam had horrible diarrhea twice before noon and it smelled like death, Sammy is having uncontrollable gas, and I have a large fever blister on top of my lip. This week's looking up already. All we can hope for is diarrhea a couple times a day and we have Sammy's testing with the special education district to look forward to.

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