Monday, January 9, 2012

Read the fine print before signing.

Liam seems to get a real thrill out of irritating Sammy. He will usually follow Sammy around, repeat everything Sammy says, or waits until just the right moment to get to his brothers special toy seconds before Sammy, which infuriates him. So last week when Sammy woke up on the defense with a list of things he didn't want Liam doing, of course I had to referee. I explained that Liam just loves him so much and wants them to be best friends. Sammy replied that he already has a BFF and its Landon. OK, different approach. I reminded Sammy that Liam is the only brother he has and that they will be brothers forever. So instead of constantly talking about what they don't like they should try to get along. I almost smiled thinking I had reached Sammy's heart and that I had done a good job of settling this when Sammy put his right hand on his forehead and said " I didn't sign up for this!" In my head I am saying "of course you didn't none of us did! Do you think when I signed up for JW Connect I thought I would get a non stop pooping, all have issues family?" But, you can't tell a 5 year old that. I decided to wait for Josh to get home and take it out on him :)

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