Friday, January 27, 2012

A Day in the Life of Meeting Night.

I like to imagine what its like for other families on meeting nights. I think about how they prepare for the meetings, have dinner and then at the appropriate time get dressed. I assume they walk out and the kids jump in the car. That sounds delightful! This is how our past Tuesday went; After having coffee with Paw Paw I got my books together to study that was around 10:30 am. I didn't get to prepare at that moment though. It was time to make the mid morning snack, break up several fights about imaginary things being taken from one another, then it was lunch time which meant I gulped down something and while chewing was counting the points of my food. I sat down only to be called to clean up the lunch that had been dropped (it doesn't matter by whom since it happens daily) after I had to change diapers, and clothes since a spot in the shirt is traumatic for two of the messiest boys in the world. This probably sounds like a simple task but since Sammy only wants blue or super hero shirts and Liam only wants green it isn't simple. By then it was time for the afternoon snack and off to nap time. Thinking I would study while Liam slept was silly of me. Sammy wanted some special time with me that means I listen as he tells a very long story while acting it out I assume. His loud stomping and even louder whispers wake Liam up who acts like he hasn't been fed at all that day. Now its time for mid afternoon snacks. So by 4:30 when I finally studied I had the wrong KM but, I finally got the right info and my studying was done. After feeding the boys dinner, Sammy had 4 pulled pork sandwiches Josh got home and I was able to take a shower. When it was time to get them dressed. Josh got a phone call (he is on call this week) and wasn't able to help. Liam got dressed no problem Sammy hated everything I had picked out for him. After trying on 4 things he found something wrong with everything I told him he had to pick something and he picked the sleeveless shirt he was wearing and a sweater vest to go over it which brought out the Pierson fashion sense in him. We of course were late because Josh was on the phone but, we got there.  Sammy picked his nose most of the time but we were there. So if at any time during the meeting someone looks over and I appear to be day dreaming its because I am, and its about what it might have been like for someone who is handicap or for the one who has to rush to the meeting and how I would trade with them for a day.

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