Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Butterscotch Pudding.

Having kids has made my life better in so many ways. I have learned things about myself and what I am capable of that I otherwise would never have known. I can now have patience in ways I never could before. And even though I never considered myself haughty being a mom has without a doubt humbled me. That being said, I love the taste of butterscotch. Whether its candy, ice cream, or one of my favorites, pudding. Its one of my comfort foods. I usually treat myself on occasion to it. So of all the good these two boys have brought to my life, they ruined butterscotch pudding for me!
When my kids get sick it goes like this, sneeze-going to have diarrhea, cough-going to have diarrhea, have fever- going to have diarrhea, and so on, I think you get the point. So when Liam sneezed at the meeting Sunday I knew that meant he was coming down with something and that would equal diarrhea. That would also mean he would pass whatever it is on to his brother and that would also equal diarrhea. So, now that they both have colds and we are going on 4 days of colds/diarrhea I won't be able to look at butterscotch pudding for quite a while. You know its bad when the smell hits and your not even in the same room as them. Or when you are changing a diaper only to hear "mommy I'm done" from the other room. When 30 mins after it over you still smell it like it just happened. When your husband comes home and wonders what horrible thing did I burn for dinner and its just the smell lingering.
And if anyone who reads this was thinking that the title of this blog didn't seem to apply anymore I'm here to tell you it does!

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