Friday, August 17, 2012

Froze Up.

Sammy has such a way with words. It is truly an expression of the way he sees things. At the convention I had one of my episode / seizures. Josh brought me by first aid while he went to get the car. The boys stayed with me, I'm not sure if it was to make sure I was OK or because of the 3 pretty sisters sitting at the desk. Sammy gave them his explanation of what was going on without even being asked. I am quoting him word for word, "Sorry ladies we can't stay at your meeting. My mom froze up again and we have to head home."
Liam on the other hand had no interest in talking to them about his mother. Instead he flirted as he usually does in these situations.
I like to believe that the way Sammy says things is the way it would be even if he didn't have autism. He speaks so genuinely that there is no doubt he is sincere in whatever he is speaking of. Its just one of the many things I love about him. I also appreciate that Liam will never bring attention to anyone but himself.

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