Friday, August 17, 2012

Woody Wood Pecker Has More Pull Than Me.

I have never believed in making kids eat something they don't like or having to finish their plates. Josh and I have asked if they would like to try something new, but its not forced. Liam rarely likes anything I cook. He would rather have a bagel with cream cheese over chicken of any type. Since Sammy loves everything I cook and doesn't mind trying new veggies I enjoy making things I know he will like. One of his favorites is burgers. I make turkey burgers and usually only have to worry about making enough for 3 of us. That was until Liam discovered The Woody Wood Pecker show via netflicks. He loves that show. Every time he watches it he laughs and laughs. Well, when he saw that Woody likes burgers he decided that he would also like them. It just so happens that was on the menu for this week. He at his turkey buger and enjoyed it all because of Woody Wood Pecker. I asked him what made him want to eat that and his response was " If WoodPeckers like these then I do too."  If only there was an episode about Woody hating armpits then we would be set.

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