Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why Is He Picking On Angela?

Our dear friend Angela Basnar came to visit. This wasn't her first visit and we hope not her last. For some reason Sammy always has something to say when Angela comes. In February she came for the day and around 9pm he said " OK ladies you've had enough time together" then looking at his wrist like there was a watch on it he continued with " its getting late and I think you're friend needs to leave." I realize that autistic kids don't usually have much tact, but it still surprised me that Sammy would react that way. Angela being the wonderful person she is didn't take it personal thankfully.
This time she came for a weekend visit. She first came to our house and then followed us to Keisha's house. Sammy is sitting in the back seat of our car with a plastered smile on his face trying not to move his lips and says " you're friend is following us."
This is the reason I let people know from the beginning that Sammy has autism. That way no one gets offended, hopefully.

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