Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tender Moments

I like to try to spend some one on one quality time with each of the boys. I let them talk about whatever they want and then I express to them how much I love them. Sometimes it'll wet 10 mins sometimes longer. With Sammy, I usually hear about some superhero and then get as much love back as I give. He loves hearing about when he was a baby. So it's a very special moment between the two of us.
Liam on the other hand, is a lot more affectionate and less wanting to talk. He want to say his part and then likes to move on. So when I can grab a few endearing moments with him, I try to take advantage of it. One of those moments came by recently. He was talking away about a movie he had watched and when he finished I expressed how special he is to me and that my love for him is limitless. He responded by asking if I knew what he loved? I smiled and said what? He said " I love saying the word gas. Now can I go play?"
He's one of a kind.

The past 24 hours

This has been quite a month for us. We had the flu, then the stomach flu, followed by colds/bronchitis, and now cabin fever. The weather hasn't been good either. So we've been together 24/7 right on top of each other. So here are some actually conversations the boys and I have had just in the past 24 hours.
Me: Your underwear are on inside out.
Sammy: How do you know?
Me: Because I can see the label. Why aren't you wearing your shorts?
Sammy: it's too hot to wear any clothes.
Me: It's 35 degrees outside. Put on some shorts!

Me: Is it really necessary for both of you to sit outside the bathroom door while I am using it?
Boys: We missed you.
Me: I think it's ok to be separated for a few minutes while I use the bathroom.
Liam: OK OK, we'll give you some piracy.
Me: (thinking to myself) I've got to find a speech therapist.

Me: What are you doing in my closet?
Liam: I found a cane and I was using it to swing. (He was hooking it over the clothes rack and hanging from it)
Me: Don't do that. You could break it or hurt yourself.
Liam: you mean don't do I when you'rearound?
Me: No. I mean don't do it ever again.
Liam: you mean don't do it ever again when you are in the room?
Me: Give me the cane!

Me: Sammy, did you let Cupcake out this morning?
Sammy: Yes.
Me: And she did all her business?
Sammy: Yes
Me: why is she acting like she needs to go out ?
Sammy: I called her back in before she peed or pooped.
Sammy: Because its cold outside.
Me: Then why did you say she did all her business?
Sammy: I thought sniffing was her business.

These are just a few examples of many why Me feels like she is going crazy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lets Dance

We rented the most recent edition of Ice Age. There is a part where the phrase "lets dance" is used. Of course I knew it was referring to a battle. The next day I hear the boys in their room and Sammy says " let's dance Liam. " expecting to walk in on them re inacting the scene from the movie, instead I found them literally dancing. It was a sight to see that's for sure. It was one of the few times I wish I would have actually caught them fighting.

Pass Gas and Mustache

I came into the room with Liam straining so much so that a vein was visable. Naturally I inquired what on earth he was doing and he said " I'm trying to pass gas and grow a mustache at the same time." Well he is fortunate to be half Pierson then. The passing gas comes easily and since he is only four he'll have to wait at least a couple more years to grow the mustache.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


When I started this blog it was titled Who's poop is under my fingernails? I changed it when I felt I was finally over the pooping problems or at least they were under control. I've had some really horrible, disgusting, and unbelievable experiences with poop. You would think I have a stomach that is rock hard and not much would make me cringe. Once again these boys of mine have proven me wrong.
Since getting our cute dog CupCake I can often be heard saying "don't let her lick you!" The roles recently reversed. I walked in to find Sammy licking the dog's face. I thought I was going to throw up. We have always had issues with him licking inappropriate things, like the floor at Wal-Mart or tables at restaurants even the ones we weren't sitting at, but the dog? I know I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Even as I type this my face has a look of digust on it. I should start a new blog titled "things Sammy has licked". I just don't have time to list all the things on that topic.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Your Armpit is over my Hand.

In the past I have said things without thinking first. I believe I did it again. I posted that I accomplished getting Liam to stop putting his little hand in my underarm. I should have known better than think that anything Liam does to make my life easier is final. He started again when he got sick and was looking for comfort. He informed me of his intentions b saying "how did your armpit get over my hand?" He is a sly munchkin and his hands are back to smelling like sweet pea deodorant.  I've learned my lesson this time. I will only post hurdles that we've jumped not that we won the gold.

Hurdle Jumpers

If you watched the Olympics you've seen the guys and gals that jump hurdles. I watched them closely because I realized how similar my life has been to them. They start off slow and you can see they have to put some real effort to getting over those first few hurdles. Then it seems to get easier they build up their confidence. But if you continue to watch you we that towards the end they are running out of energy and those last few hurdles take a lot of strength to get over. You are probably wondering how on earth I can compare myself to an Olympic athlete. Well, I have Liam. Just when I think things are going good, my confidence is built up then he takes all my energy. He like to see proof of everything I tell him. His famous saying is "let me see. " It could be me telling him there is no more peanut butter left, let me see. Or something as simply as saying his eyes are blue. No they're not they are green. It is. Always something with him. I find myself wantin to say those dreaded words of " Because I said so!!!" But just like those jumpers get thru it and are working for a reward, I continue to show him empty PB jars and say that sometimes his eyes can look green. I'm not sure what my reward will be since we still have to get thru the teen and early twenties when he will really think he knows everything. Maybe I will build up my leg strength like those atheletes to give him a swift kick in the tushy.

Neurologically Typical

When you have a child with Autism to have to learn several abbreviations. Like ASD is autism spectrum disorder. I recently learned a new one, NT. Which as you guessed is neurologically typical. It's a nice way of saying that the other children you have are normal. I personally don't see myself using it for two reasons. First, because I don't like thinking of Sammy as abnormal. He is normal for an autistic child. And second, because I don't believe my other child is "normal". Josh and I often say that for having an autistic child we expect him to be giving us more challenges but, it's usually Liam who is questioning and fighting us. So if I ever use NT it will be to say Liam is NOT Typical.


We take the boys to the library weekly. If we can do it on a Saturday then we time it when it's not so crowded so that Sammy can feel comfortable. If we go during the week Paw Paw Dennis takes us and it is really the best time to go for Sammy. He picks out the movies he wants and then randomly picks books from the fiction section. One day he picked The Great Gatsby and said I could read it to him. I politely said I would rather pick a book from the kids section to read to them. Then when check out time came the nice lady who checked us out said for us to have a nice Christmas. Sammy proudly said "Excuse me, we don't celebrate Christmas. We are Jehovah's Witnessessssssss." I was so proud of him that I didn't even mention there was a few too many s'.