Wednesday, December 21, 2011

8 Isn't Always Enough.

Sunday's are usual hectic. We have the meeting at 2:30 which is Liam's nap time and Sammy's lunch or second lunch time. So I try to make sure they have a hearty breakfast and a good snack before we leave. I made 8 eggs intending for it to feed Sammy, Liam, and myself. Well, it ended up only feeding Sammy. For most people that would be enough to get them through the day but not our Sammy. When it was time to leave for the meeting he claimed to be starving. So we went through Wendy's and got him 2 jr cheeseburgers, a fry, and a root beer. Thankfully he has a great metabolism to burn off what he eats. I can't imagine when he is a teenager. The fact that he is only 5 and is already over 4 ft tall and about 55 lbs doesn't make me hopeful the next teen years will be any easier on the grocery bill. And to top if off he keeps telling me he never wants to leave home. I can picture it now, a 6 ft 225 lb man squeezing himself into the dining room table saying "Sammy hungry".

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