Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sammy ism's

Anyone who has been around an autistic person can relate to how blunt they can be. Like Sammy, he is in no way intending to be rude he is just saying what he thinks. So here are a few things he has said recently. Every morning paw paw Dennis comes over to have coffee with us and Liam usually loves to open the door for him. Earlier this week Liam wasn't in the mood so I asked Sammy if he would like to open the door and his reply was " I would like to know why can't paw paw open the door himself".
I made sausage spaghetti and Sammy said "mommy this is delicious but my meatballs are flat".
On the subject of being an older brother he said " Liam ruined things for me. I use to be the only one and now I have to share everything with him".
At the meeting " I love Jehovah but these meetings are no fun".
On praying " I already tell Jehovah all my secrets why do I have to tell you what we talk about".
And lastly, his reply to being asked to turn the light on " I don't want to be the one who turns the light on because then you will ask me to turn it off and I don't want to".
For every bluntly honest thing he says he is also the sweetest nicest person I have ever met.

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