Sunday, December 25, 2011

I'm On the Privy Counsel.

I watched a movie where the king wanted to take a wife but she was promised to another. So the king assigned the other guy to be part of his privy counsel and he wouldn't be around the girl so the king could have her. I remember Josh laughing and then explaining to me that the king had a privy counsel so that when he went to the potty he had people clean him. He was much to noble of a man to have to do that for himself. I quickly realized I am on a privy counsel. Instead of a classy name like that I get "mommy I'm done" being yelled out. I remember 2 1/2 years ago when Sammy first got trained those words sounded heavenly. I would eagerly run to take care of that rather than the horrific diaper duty I had been on for  three years prior. But, now its getting old. I made a huge mistake earlier this year when I was trying to teach Sammy what to do when he was done. I was stressing how important it is to wash your hands after and that way he would get all the germs off. Well, he took that so literal that he now is obsessed with not having germs on him and is terrified that if he wipes himself he will be infested with germs. So it looks like I've got privy duty for a while longer. Liam still refuses to potty train and when he finally does I'm sure he will find an excuse not to wipe either. I'm pretty sure he has it out for me. In the movie the king sent the boy to the front lines and he was never mentioned again. As for me I'll continue to respond to the call of duty and I've lost hope of being promoted unless Josh gets into an accident and needs around the clock care.

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