Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mommy will you marry me?

Most mommies with son's will tell you that at some point their little boys fall in love with them. Sammy is so sweet he has always shown me nothing but love. Liam is hot and cold. Some days he looks at me with those I love you eyes and other days if looks could kill I wouldn't be here. So to my surprise he came and laid next to me and said "mommy will you marry me"? My heart melted. I felt obligated to remind him I already have a husband. Well, that infuriated him. He was very upset and only calmed down when I said I would think about it. The next morning he as usual was the first one up which, on the positive side gives he and I some time just the two of us. And, first thing he said was "are you going to marry me"? I had to think quick to not deal with a meltdown before I had my coffee, so I said "well I have a few questions for you. I need to know how much money you make, what kind of ring can you buy me, and what am I suppose to do with the husband I already have"? He took no time to find answers to all of the above. He said " I make 5 pounds a year, I will buy a shiny ring from Sammy, and I'll just throw daddy outside".  I don't know who should be more worried me or Josh.

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