Friday, December 16, 2011

Why isn't the Dimeatap working?

For 3 weeks now our family has been fighting a cold virus. Typically when kids are sick they are low key and lay around. Of course that is not how it works out for this group. I can only remember 2 times that Sammy has been low key because of sickness and both times he had over 103 temp. Otherwise, fever makes him super hyper. After researching Autism I found out this can be common. That doesn't make it any easier though. As for Liam, he rarely calms down period. So, at a time when they are both sick things can get pretty chaotic.
Since I can still get Liam to nap in the afternoon and Sammy still had a cough I was excited at the prospect of giving him Dimeatap and us all getting a nap today. But, the medicine didn't have that effect on Sammy. Instead he tossed and turned until he just got up and then kept coming back into the room for minor things. Eventually he woke up Liam and my chance of sleep passed right by me again.
I remember sleep vaguely. The memories I do have are fond ones. I don't see great sleep in my future since I have an autistic son who has to have a fatal fever before he goes down and an ADHD son who wakes up at the break of dawn and can be awaken to leaf falling. And I don't want to leave out Josh who sleep through it all or at least is good at acting like he does. Fortunately I get them all three to myself.

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