Thursday, December 15, 2011

Since Samuel was diagnosed with Autism it was recommended that Liam also be tested. Anyone who has been around him is aware that his behavior is anything but typical. So off we went to see our psychologist. I'm pretty sure we've paid for her holiday this year.
 The plan was she would take Liam back and do a one on one interview with him. I had my doubts that he would cooperate but, I stayed optimistic. So Sammy and I walked him to her office and the door was shut behind him. I took Sammy to the restroom and when I re entered the waiting area I could hear the screams coming from her office. At that point I wasn't sure if it was the Dr or Liam. So I sat down while all the other patients looked around as the screams got louder. I tried to have an expression on my face that gave the impression I was also wondering what was going on. Then the Dr appeared to give me away and trying to talk over Liam's screaming and said " I think you should come back". I did my walk of shame as the others looked at me like "how dare you try to deny that is your child". I just wanted to be in public one time and not be with the kid having the super size meltdown.
 So after our two visits with the Dr. and Liam only doing what Liam wants to do, I got the diagnosis yesterday. Liam has ADHD, separation anxiety, defiance and clinical maladaptive behavior. To quote the report " Liam appeared to act out more than most children in his age group". The Dr said she has never seen a 3 year that walks into a room and without saying anything lets you know he wants to be the boss of you. He needs in home therapy which I am sure will go well. That was sarcasm for any who didn't get that.
So to sum it up I will never be the mother who kids are not having super sized meltdowns. But they both have beautiful blue eyes that stand out in pictures. There I go being all positive again.

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