Thursday, December 22, 2011

You Didn't Pay for The Apple Juice!!

Wednesday evening after a full afternoon with 5 kids I needed to go to the store. Liam with his wonderful separation anxiety was hysterical at the thought of me going without him. Once Sammy found out Liam was going he wanted to come too. Somehow Josh got left out of the mix to his despair I'm sure. So off the boys and I went again. I only needed to get a few things and I always try to give each one of the boys a job to help me so that our shopping experience can be enjoyed by all. Liam's job was to pick out the apple juice and when we got to check out he would put it on the counter. Job well done, so I thought. I decided to go to the self check out since I only had a few things. After scanning the apple juice Liam asked if instead of bagging it he could hold it, no problem. But, it turned out to be a problem. He started screaming that I didn't pay for the apple juice and continued to do so until we reached the car. Of course we got several looks and I had my receipt out just in case. Lesson learned. Next time dear old daddy can deal with the separation anxiety while I sneak out the back door. Chances are I will return to everyone being fine and I'll be carrying a cup from Starbucks.

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