Life with an autistic son, one of the most stubborn 4 yr olds, and a husband who is oblivious to it all.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Don't touch my pillows!!
We recently painted two accent walls in our living room. I found a beautiful aqua color (in the turquoise family) and after looking at several stores I found the perfect pillows for the couch. All I want is to have these three pillows look nice. After 1 week they have served every purpose but as accent pillows. They've been chewed, licked, used as shields, landing gear, wings, torpedo's, hats, and they were pulled away just before a nose was wiped on them. I have very few nice things and until these two have their own homes I don't think I can. Of all the toys they have why my pillows? In the time it has taken me to type this I have yelled "don't touch my pillows" twice. So for any who may be invited over you've been far warned the pillows are use at your own risk.
Halloween bad, Christmath twee's good.
It's a mystery to me how two children can come from the same parents and yet be so different. I am sitting here watching these two play and I notice the only thing that is similar is that I have heard the words pass gas more times than I can count. They manage to work that word in to just about any situation. Sammy is steadfast when it comes to rules. He thought tricker treaters came to our door because I talked to our neighbor who had Halloween decorations. To put it into his words "why do you talk to Halloween people". I would love to have better explained that to him if I hadn't been in the process of actually talking to our neighbor at the time. Then there is Liam who recently informed me that he hates broccoli but likes "christmath twee's". I am pretty sure if I told him broccoli was a small Christmas tree he would eagerly eat it. I keep hoping that they will balance each other out one day but I have a feeling it's more likely I will have to be on some strong meds to get through the teen years.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Yes, this has happened several times
I remember after having Samuel the nurse commented how regular he pooped for a newborn. So from the beginning this has been part of our life. And since he has been able to sit up on his own in the bath, poop has been part of bath time as well. I couldn't even tell you how many time in the first three years of his life he would poop in the tub. After being potty trained it stopped. Then, came Liam. For some reason he does it too. Last night I gave them a bath and when I noticed the water was muddy looking I said "did one of you poop" Liam without hesitation responded " yes I did" Sammy chimed in with "there is poo in the tub"? I would know for sure if it was me but he didn't notice. So after restarting their bath and disinfecting the toys and tub, Josh came home. I related the story to him which by now isn't much of a story. It usually goes like this " honey one of the boys pooped in the tub" with the response of "again! Who was it this time"? How has it come to the fact that we are not shocked or grossed out by this? So once again I was on my knee's cleaning up poop and hoping I got it all, not only from the tub but from me too.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Yippie its time for my yearly!
As some of you may have gotten the impression my life is pretty hectic. Well I finally got a small break. I went to my Gyno. I got a sitter, wore my heels, and got to sit down for 20 whole minutes without being asked to feed or hydrate anyone. When the nurse came to get me out of the waiting room I almost missed her calling me Kristi. I'm use to be called "mommy I'm hungry" or "mommy I'm done". After getting in the exam room I got to flip thru a magazine that had nothing to do with parenting or how to control a child who is out of control. I was politely asked to get into a gown I didn't have someone pulling at my clothes. Then, I got to lay down and was told to relax. I didn't know what to do with myself. This is what life has come to, enjoying my yearly pap. I had such a good time I already scheduled next years appointment. But, reality came back quickly when I had to carry Liam to the car wearing 3 1/2 inch heels because he can't walk and Sammy telling about his time away right when my favorite song was coming on. He definitely got the Pierson storytelling gene. He has to start with saying " mom me me me" his way of saying mommy when he is distracted. Then went into a very long story about Iron Man. I don't think Rene had Iron Man over but I wasn't there to say for sure.
Some people have Paris, some have a tropical island. For me I'll always have the Gyno's office
Some people have Paris, some have a tropical island. For me I'll always have the Gyno's office
Friday, November 11, 2011
Just take the magazines and let us go!
As another Saturday approaches we once again have to prepare our boys for service. For some this is a way for families to bond or to reach some spiritual goal that has been set. For the Pierson's its more like lets get this street done ASAP! Our adventures in the field ministry have been interesting, embarrassing, and sometimes insulting. At a glance we look like a typical family all dressed appropriately carrying our bags but the closer one would get this is what they see. A 3 yr old who is scouting the area for what he can jump on, run to, or ask "I take this home"? A 5 yr old who's presentation is" I'm Sammy this is my brother Liam and we like Lego's". A father who for some unknown reason would love to be invited in and have an hour long discussion oblivious to the fact that the mother is sweating profusely and that after one door the kids are ready for break. It wasn't enough of a hint when driving thru the territory the boys rolled down their windows to yell at an elderly woman innocently raking her leaves "hey grandma I like the way you rake". Sammy really thought he was complimenting her and I'm sure Liam knew he wasn't.
This is a true story that all happened in one day. But, we'll keep trying and I'll keep praying that we haven't done too much damage or that I get put in another car group.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Put your shirt back on we're at the meeting.
A goal we made as a family is to move up a few rows at the meeting. Since we usually try for the back row or even the second school some days, this was a big deal for us. I started wondering why we made this goal. Half way through Sammy usually says out loud " how much longer do we have to stay here" and Liam has often said out loud " I don't like the meetings". Sammy likes to chew on his Bible's tassel, his shirt, or lick various parts of the chair and wall. Even as I am typing this I am wondering who made this goal? It was probably my suggestion since I often aim high. Silly me. So last night we moved up 4 rows and overall it wasn't bad. I did look over to find Sammy taking off his shirt and reminded him to keep it on. A few minutes later he got his head stuck in the arm opening of his sweater vest. I'm still not sure how that happened or why he wanted to take off his clothes during the meeting but he did. I have to remind myself we're here and that's what's important not that Sammy isn't wearing socks because he can't tolerate them (part of autism) or that Liam is using his invisible laser to shoot people. Surprisingly the way they act now is an improvement. So we'll keep practicing how to act in public and hope that one of my kids doesn't lick or blast you.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
100 Chameleon's
And yes Keisha I know how to spell chameleon's :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Another Correction
My son's a villain is what the title should have been. I am typing from the desk top computer and Liam put his foot on it as I was spell checking and it posted again!!
I'm going to have to start writing at midnight when he is asleep.
My son's a villian
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Get the windex Liam peed on the carpet again!
So I have been trying to potty train a stubborn three year old. I have gotten several suggestions and tried and failed most of them. This is our second or third attempt this year. A few months ago we got a potty and when I myself was in the bathroom Liam got a lemonade juice box and poured it in his chair. He accepted all the praise and the dum dum. As I was going to remove it I realized it smelled pleasantly sweet. This past week I was determined to break him. Monday was good but, I think he thought it only had to last that day and then he could go back to diapers. So after a week of fights, tears, and spending a lot of time in the bathroom Josh took over for the weekend since I was sick. So we have a stubborn boy and a man who's attention fades fast. By Saturday evening Liam was back in diapers. I look forward to trying again. And I have to get another bottle of Windex antibacterial it works great on the mess. One positive is I got to know Liam better. Not only is he stubborn but a bold face liar! While sitting on his potty seat he told me he went pee pee and poo poo. I said I wanted to see and he said "oh they went home".
I'm not as dumb as I write
I do realize a few of my post need corrections. Hope anyone reading understands why they turn out that way. Like today for example, I was trying to edit before I posted and Liam jumped on me and of course it post. So I for the most part know how to read and write. Although in my defense I have lost a lot of brain cells with this bunch I live with.
Yes mommy doesn't feel good, please jump some more.
on me some more.Why is it that the worse a mom feels the more energy kids seem to have? Also, what kind of people don't leave the sick alone? My people that's who? I've had a cold and all I wanted to do was rest in the bed. Somehow this draws the rest of my family in the room. Sammy likes to think he can kiss the sick away. Which would work if he could actually show "normal" physical contact but, that's one of things about autistic children. So my arms and stomach get the kisses. Liam stole all my cough drops and only came in to scream about something. My dear husband thought watching TV with me and laughing loudly in my ear wouldn't affect the pounding headache I had.And then, all the jumping on the bed, hiding under the covers, and spilling any drink I had made me not want to rest any longer.
Parent Test
My emailed this to me. After reading I thought, "if these were my results I would have had more children" Enjoy.
How To Know You're Ready For Parenthood MESS TEST: Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Now rub your hands in the wet flower bed and rub on the walls. Cover the stains with crayons. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer. TOY TEST: Obtain a 55-gallon box of Legos. (If Legos are not available, you may substitute roofing tacks or broken bottles.) Have a friend spread them all over the house. Put on a blindfold. Try to walk to the bathroom or kitchen. Do not scream (this could wake a child at night). GROCERY STORE TEST: Borrow one or two small animals (goats are best) and take them with you as you shop at the grocery store. Always keep them in sight and pay for anything they eat or damage. DRESSING TEST: Obtain one large, unhappy, live octopus. Stuff it into a small net bag making sure that all arms stay inside. FEEDING TEST: Obtain a large plastic milk jug. Fill it halfway with water. Suspend from the ceiling with a stout cord. Get the jug swinging. Try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal (such as Fruit Loops or Cheerios) into the mouth of the jug while pretending to be an airplane. Now dump the contents of the jug on the floor.
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