Friday, November 11, 2011

Just take the magazines and let us go!

As another Saturday approaches we once again have to prepare our boys for service. For some this is a way for families to bond or to reach some spiritual goal that has been set. For the Pierson's its more like lets get this street done ASAP! Our adventures in the field ministry have been interesting, embarrassing, and sometimes insulting. At a glance we look like a typical family all dressed appropriately carrying our bags but the closer one would get this is what they see. A 3 yr old who is scouting the area for what he can jump on, run to, or ask "I take this home"? A 5 yr old who's presentation is" I'm Sammy this is my brother Liam and we like Lego's". A father who for some unknown reason would love to be invited in and have an hour long discussion oblivious to the fact that the mother is sweating profusely and that after one door the kids are ready for break. It wasn't enough of a hint when driving thru the territory the boys rolled down their windows to yell at an elderly woman innocently raking her leaves "hey grandma I like the way you rake". Sammy really thought he was complimenting her and I'm sure Liam knew he wasn't.
This is a true story that all happened in one day. But, we'll keep trying and I'll keep praying that we haven't done too much damage or that I get put in another car group.

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