Friday, November 18, 2011

Yes, this has happened several times

I remember after having Samuel the nurse commented how regular he pooped for a newborn. So from the beginning this has been part of our life. And since he has been able to sit up on his own in the bath, poop has been part of bath time as well. I couldn't even tell you how many time in the first three years of his life he would poop in the tub. After being potty trained it stopped. Then, came Liam. For some reason he does it too. Last night I gave them a bath and when I noticed the water was muddy looking I said "did one of you poop" Liam without hesitation responded " yes I did" Sammy chimed in with "there is poo in the tub"? I would know for sure if it was me but he didn't notice. So after restarting their bath and disinfecting the toys and tub, Josh came home. I related the story to him which by now isn't much of a story. It usually goes like this " honey one of the boys pooped in the tub" with the response of "again! Who was it this time"?  How has it come to the fact that we are not shocked or grossed out by this? So once again I was on my knee's cleaning up poop and hoping I got it all, not only from the tub but from me too.

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