Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yes mommy doesn't feel good, please jump some more.

on me some more.Why is it that the worse a mom feels the more energy kids seem to have? Also, what kind of people don't leave the sick alone? My people that's who? I've had a cold and all I wanted to do was rest in the bed. Somehow this draws the rest of my family in the room. Sammy likes to think he can kiss the sick away. Which would work if he could actually show "normal" physical contact but, that's one of things about autistic children. So my arms and stomach get the kisses. Liam stole all my cough drops and only came in to scream about something. My dear husband thought watching TV with me and laughing loudly in my ear wouldn't affect the pounding headache I had.And then, all the jumping on the bed, hiding under the covers, and spilling any drink I had made me not want to rest any longer.

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