Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Halloween bad, Christmath twee's good.

It's a mystery to me how two children can come from the same parents and yet be so different. I am sitting here watching these two play and I notice the only thing that is similar is that I have heard the words pass gas more times than I can count. They manage to work that word in to just about any situation. Sammy is steadfast when it comes to rules. He thought tricker treaters came to our door because I talked to our neighbor who had Halloween decorations. To put it into his words "why do you talk to Halloween people". I would love to have better explained that to him if I hadn't been in the process of actually talking to our neighbor at the time. Then there is Liam who recently informed me that he hates broccoli but likes "christmath twee's". I am pretty sure if I told him broccoli was a small Christmas tree he would eagerly eat it. I keep hoping that they will balance each other out one day but I have a feeling it's more likely I will have to be on some strong meds to get through the teen years.

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