Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yippie its time for my yearly!

As some of you may have gotten the impression my life is pretty hectic. Well I finally got a small break. I went to my Gyno. I got a sitter, wore my heels, and got to sit down for 20 whole minutes without being asked to feed or hydrate anyone. When the nurse came to get me out of the waiting room I almost missed her calling me Kristi. I'm use to be called "mommy I'm hungry" or "mommy I'm done".  After getting in the exam room I got to flip thru a magazine that had nothing to do with parenting or how to control a child who is out of control. I was politely asked to get into a gown I didn't have someone pulling at my clothes. Then, I got to lay down and was told to relax. I didn't know what to do with myself. This is what life has come to, enjoying my yearly pap. I had such a good time I already scheduled next years appointment. But, reality came back quickly when I had to carry Liam to the car wearing 3 1/2 inch heels because he can't walk and Sammy telling about his time away right when my favorite song was coming on. He definitely got the Pierson storytelling gene. He has to start with saying " mom me me me" his way of saying mommy when he is distracted. Then went into a very long story about Iron Man. I don't think Rene had Iron Man over but I wasn't there to say for sure.
Some people have Paris, some have a tropical island. For me I'll always have the Gyno's office

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