Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Put your shirt back on we're at the meeting.

A goal we made as a family is to move up a few rows at the meeting. Since we usually try for the back row or even the second school some days, this was a big deal for us. I started wondering why we made this goal. Half way through Sammy usually says out loud " how much longer do we have to stay here" and Liam has often said out loud " I don't like the meetings". Sammy likes to chew on his Bible's tassel, his shirt, or lick various parts of the chair and wall. Even as I am typing this I am wondering who made this goal? It was probably my suggestion since I often aim high. Silly me. So last night we moved up 4 rows and overall it wasn't bad. I did look over to find Sammy taking off his shirt and reminded him to keep it on. A few minutes later he got his head stuck in the arm opening of his sweater vest. I'm still not sure how that happened or why he wanted to take off his clothes during the meeting but he did. I have to remind myself we're here and that's what's important not that Sammy isn't wearing socks because he can't tolerate them (part of autism) or that Liam is using his invisible laser to shoot people. Surprisingly the way they act now is an improvement. So we'll keep practicing how to act in public and hope that one of my kids doesn't lick or blast you.

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