Tuesday, December 11, 2012

King of the World, King of the Paradise

Like most autistic people, Sammy has a certain way of thinking and doesn't understand why everyone wouldn't want to think that exact same way.
Our neighbors grandson comes to visit them from time to time and usually makes his way over here to see what the boys are doing outside. When he was visiting around thanksgiving, Sammy saw him and ran inside to ask me if Anthony knew about Jehovah. I explained that not everyone does and that we have to teach people. After going back outside Sammy called Anthony over and said "do you know about Jehovah?" To which Anthony said "who's Jehovah?" And Sammy in a loud, almost annoyed voice said "Anthony, he is  king of the world, king of the paradise!" The conversation ended there and Anthony went home confused I am sure. Later Sammy wondered why Anthony wasn't at the meeting since he told him all about Jehovah. Out of the mouth of babes

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I've heard of sister friend,but not this.

Anyone who is around Sammy knows that the biggest part of him is his heart. Anytime I don't feel well he frequently checks on me and often wants to lay by me until I am feeling better. It was no surprise when CupCake wasn't acting herself that he wanted to provide her with comfort. So there the two of them were laying in bed snuggled up together and I hear Sammy starting to sing her a song. I don't remember every word but it went something like this " CupCake I love you and you're my sister dog. You're my sister and my dog." He is just so precious and sweet.

Hold the Tomatoes

It started with Sammy not wanting tomatoes on his hamburgers. Then Liam started claiming to dislike them. After explaining to them that some of their favorite foods have tomatoes, they decided it was fresh tomatoes they didn't like.
One of Liam's favorite snacks is chips and salsa. After he examined the jar of salsa he said " I want chips and salsa hold the tomatoes."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brotherly Love

Sammy and Liam are definitely at an age where they enjoy each others company more. But the still have their moments. Most days I have to call Josh and share the humorous things that are being said. One of their "other" moments was on the way to he meeting last week. Sammy doesn't dress up and Liam loves to. So as they are sitting in the back seat together Liam ask Sammy if his hair is sticking up. Sammy replies that he will never tell Liam even if it is. Liam in a raised voice said " I need to know Sammy. I can't go to the meeting with my hair messed up!" To which Sammy yelled back "I don't care if you do have to go like that!"  I guess we got our first glimpse of what it will be like taking two teenage boys to the meetings.

Are We Turkey's?

As the thanksgiving holiday approached Sammy and Liam had their usual question and comments about the holiday. Josh and I did our best to answer them in ways they understood. Then when our elderly neighbors insisted on giving us their leftover dark meat turkey I expected questions. Instead Sammy came out of the kitchen holding a large turkey leg and right before taking a bite said " wait, we're not made of turkey meat are we?"  It took me a second to respond because I have met some turkeys in my life and because I was so surprised that he thought that. Later that night when he fell asleep next to me and his big solid leg was draped over me I understood his thinking a little better.

One Hot Mama

I remember when we found out our first child would be a boy. I was scared thinking I didn't know what to do with a boy. Then, Josh told me that little boys have special places in their hearts for their mama's. Everything changed for me from that point on. I couldn't wait to have a son and then was blessed with two. Those two little boys have always shown me so much love. They hate to see me cry. Some days out of the blue tell me how much they love me. So when they told me I was "one hot mama" I was flattered.  That is until they said " yeah your checks are red and you sweat a lot". That was just the lift my self esteem needed.


Most people would define teamwork as a group project. Helping one another accomplish a mutual goal. Then there is Liam's definition. When I asked him to help me pick up his mess he once again claimed the pain his his legs to be too severe to move. After I threatened to take him to the Dr. and possibly get a shot to help with that pain, it suddenly resolved itself. He told me that if I would pick up his things, put them where they go then the work would be done. I expressed that means I am the only one doing all of the work his response was " no mommy it's called teamwork". He was quickly corrected on his thinking

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Best Egg Pizza

Last week I tried a new recipe for a frittata. Knowing how much Sammy loves food especially healthy food I was curious to see his reaction to this. When he saw it on his plate he examined it for a few seconds then, took a bite. He said "this is the best egg pizza I've ever had!" I just thought that was so cute. Liam of course, said " I hate this!" This is usuallys Liam's response to anything I make. Thankfully I have Sammy to eat up Liam's portions. And thankfully I keep blueberry bagels in stock for Liam.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mission Accomplished!!

We've all seen the stickers on the back of vehicles and immediately you know the driver is a mother. It could be proud parent of.... sticker, it could be a family sticker, or it could be a sports theme sticker showing pretty much when and where the child plays. I imagine that if you went to one of those games even the kids sitting on the bench have moms who have stickers just because they made the team..
Being a mom means you are a proud person. No matter what your child accomplishes you want the world to know it. It doesn't matter how big or small we encourage our child with our pride in them. You end up at the same point when they are babies and when they are teens. You are just happy they are doing anything. It could be rolling over for the first time or waking up before noon. As mothers we take what we can get.
So this is my sticker, after 3 years of consistency Liam has finally stopped putting his hand in my underarm!!! I thought about getting a custom made sticker but this will have to do. I waited 2 weeks before posting this just to make sure it was really happening. I haven't mentioned a word to him about it in fear it will remind him he isn't doing it. This is a huge thing for me because I have fought infections,  been rudely awaken from my underarm being scratched at, and had "that" look from friends and strangers as my son put his hand there.
This is a proud moment for the Pierson Family and we want everyone to know it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What do you know about the good guys?

This is the question Liam asked me. He sat next to me with folded hands and with interest asked me this. When I asked him why he was asking me his response was that he is trying to get all the secrets of the good guys. So first, he obviously doesn't include himself in the "good guy" catergory. And second, at the ripe age of 4 years he is looking for weakness in others. I have been fully aware that he looks for weakness in me, but now he wants to know what good peoples short comings are? For every day we make it through, I realize how much more we have get through with Liam.
For all you "good guys" out there, consider this fair warning.

What the.........

I am firm believer that people have a minds eye. Its the ability to see what something will look like without it being in front of you or even put together. Its being able to look at a table or desk and just by picturing the room you want it in, you know exactly where it will fit.
I also believe that the moment we find out we are going to be parents we use our minds eye to picture our child. I say with certainty that we see an infant who sleeps through the night, a toddler who reads, a respectful, polite teenager, and a well balanced adult. We have expectations for who our children will turn into with our guidance. There is a confidence we feel. Knowing we will learn from the mistakes made by our parents generation.
I know I felt this way. I cried for joy when I found out I would be a mother. I read to the fetus that was growing inside me. I took my vitamins, stayed away from caffeine, and did all I could to protect and nurture my unborn child. I did all of this in preparation for the person I wanted him to be.
Then it happens, the moment when you realize they are more like you than you want them to be. It is different for each parent. Mine didn't happen when I learned Sammy wanted to watch TV ( I had assumed he would want to use his imagination and would have no interest in the television), it doesn't happen when he rolls down his window in the car to yell out to anyone who looks older than 30 to say" hey grandpa what are you doing?" Nor does it happen when he tells he says "excuse me I passed gassed" to the cashier at the grocery store. No, these have just become expected. For me it happened when we were at Keisha's house and the boys were playing together. I don't even remember the details that led up to Sammy saying "what the?" He added no words after that statement. But I realized that for all I had done to make sure he was better than me, he actually turned out to be more like me than I had realized before. Now, don't get me wrong I don't make a habit of yelling random things out the car window, and I certainly don't loose control of my bodily functions in the check out lane. But, so many times I have thought or even expressed that very statement. What the? So it has turned out he isn't like me when I was a child. He is picking up mannerisms from me now! So many times during my daily routine I think or say "what the heck are you two doing?" or "what in the world would make you think that is OK?" And I will admit that I have my days of thinking "what the H- E- L- L have I gotten myself into?"
So for all the planning we do to make our children better there will come the moment it will become clear that they are trying and planning to be like us. To that I say " what the heck are they thinking?"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Woody Wood Pecker Has More Pull Than Me.

I have never believed in making kids eat something they don't like or having to finish their plates. Josh and I have asked if they would like to try something new, but its not forced. Liam rarely likes anything I cook. He would rather have a bagel with cream cheese over chicken of any type. Since Sammy loves everything I cook and doesn't mind trying new veggies I enjoy making things I know he will like. One of his favorites is burgers. I make turkey burgers and usually only have to worry about making enough for 3 of us. That was until Liam discovered The Woody Wood Pecker show via netflicks. He loves that show. Every time he watches it he laughs and laughs. Well, when he saw that Woody likes burgers he decided that he would also like them. It just so happens that was on the menu for this week. He at his turkey buger and enjoyed it all because of Woody Wood Pecker. I asked him what made him want to eat that and his response was " If WoodPeckers like these then I do too."  If only there was an episode about Woody hating armpits then we would be set.

Froze Up.

Sammy has such a way with words. It is truly an expression of the way he sees things. At the convention I had one of my episode / seizures. Josh brought me by first aid while he went to get the car. The boys stayed with me, I'm not sure if it was to make sure I was OK or because of the 3 pretty sisters sitting at the desk. Sammy gave them his explanation of what was going on without even being asked. I am quoting him word for word, "Sorry ladies we can't stay at your meeting. My mom froze up again and we have to head home."
Liam on the other hand had no interest in talking to them about his mother. Instead he flirted as he usually does in these situations.
I like to believe that the way Sammy says things is the way it would be even if he didn't have autism. He speaks so genuinely that there is no doubt he is sincere in whatever he is speaking of. Its just one of the many things I love about him. I also appreciate that Liam will never bring attention to anyone but himself.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


When Liam chose to stop nursing at 10 months he instantly replaced it with putting his hand in my underarm. I hated this especially after he spread and infection to me. So here we are over 3 years later and I still have to tell him multiple times a day not to even try putting his hand in my underarm. Its not my underarm either. He tries with Josh too. Now, he knows mommy won't let him do it but daddy can't always say no. If Josh isn't here and Liam needs to get his fix I find him hiding with our deodorants picking at them. The other day Josh was trying to get him to stop and Liam said " I need to go to armpit.com." Who knows where he came up with that, but I wish there was a website that he virtually scratch at someone other than me.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why Is He Picking On Angela?

Our dear friend Angela Basnar came to visit. This wasn't her first visit and we hope not her last. For some reason Sammy always has something to say when Angela comes. In February she came for the day and around 9pm he said " OK ladies you've had enough time together" then looking at his wrist like there was a watch on it he continued with " its getting late and I think you're friend needs to leave." I realize that autistic kids don't usually have much tact, but it still surprised me that Sammy would react that way. Angela being the wonderful person she is didn't take it personal thankfully.
This time she came for a weekend visit. She first came to our house and then followed us to Keisha's house. Sammy is sitting in the back seat of our car with a plastered smile on his face trying not to move his lips and says " you're friend is following us."
This is the reason I let people know from the beginning that Sammy has autism. That way no one gets offended, hopefully.

Another Meeting Story

Another meeting has come and gone so of course I have another story. Since he was about 2 Sammy has wanted to hold his own Bible at the meeting. I don't think he realized exactly what the Bible was he just really liked the book mark attached. A few Sunday's ago he leaned over about half way through the meeting and said " mommy you see all the words? Well they are Jehovah's words." I was very impressed that he knew that. When it was time for the song he was still intensely looking at his Bible. I whispered to him that it was time to sing the song and his reply was " you go ahead and sing I'm going to try to figure this book out." I just smiled to myself thinking how I can't wait to tell him these things as he gets older.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You Wouldn't Think I'd Have To Say This More Than Once.

I think we have all had those deja vue moments. Where you feel like you have been here or seen this before. It's an odd feeling. Lately I have heard words come out of my mouth and as I am saying them I am thinking "I've used this expression recently haven't I ?" And the answer turns out to be YES!
Some examples of this weeks recurring phrases are "don't put your mouth on the dogs nose", "don't yell it smells like pee out the car window", "we absolutely have to throw away the dog's poop bags", "why are your underwear on inside out and backwards ?", "pasta isn't a snack to bring to the meeting", "it's not nice to try to smell someones underarm", and "peanut butter isn't something we keep in the night stand."
And this hasn't been too bad of a week as far as these sayings go. There have been much worse, but that's a different post.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Who's A Good Mommy?

Its a well known fact that people that have babies do baby talk. I don't mean the goo goo gaa gaa stuff. But we do start talking differently when there is a baby around. I have recently learned that something similiar happens when you have a pet. Sammy like to refer to Cup Cake as his baby girl and shows her lots of affection holding her, rubbing her belly, or just sitting down petting her. When we first got her he even called Jasmine Cup Cake a few times. More recently he came in the room when I wasn't feeling well and rubbed my stomach and said "who's a good mommy?" I played along and said "me!" He responded with " yes you are a good mommy." I would have rathered goo goo gaa gaa.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Unusual Snack.

Maw-Maw Toni has said that she enjoys watching Sammy eat because of how much he is enjoying it. I am so thankful for all the healthy food Sammy loves. Brussel Sprouts, Mango, Broccoli and Cantelope just to name a few. Surprisingly he is willing to try new food too.
Yesterday he showed me that his top tooth was loose. He doesn't like me pulling it because he is extra sensitive (a side effect of Autism). We usually let him wiggle it with his tongue and then when it is ready either he or I will get it out. Last night he didn't feel ready for it to come out. Right before bed I checked his mouth and the tooth was there, but this morning when he woke up it was not. The tooth was no were to be found. He must have swallowed it. Since he grinds his teeth they are so small I imagine he wouldn't even know he swallowed it.
I appreciate that he eats just about anything but, this might be a little too willing to try anything :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Learn A New Word Every Day.

 Sammy and Liam are known for one thing while watching movies, TALKING! It doesn't matter if they watch it numerous times or if they are seeing it for the first time. They ask questions, talk about what is going to happen or what they think is going to happen, and of course like to tell you what will happen next.

So this weekend when they watched The Bee Movie for the first time, as usual there was a lot of talking. There is a part in the movie when Barry (voiced by Jerry Seinfield) leaves the hive and upon returning tells his friend he met a girl. ( If you've seen the movie you know he met a human) His friend replies " I just hope she is beeish." I understood this to be a play on words like saying she should be Jewish. Sammy replied "No, she is Hu-mish." Then, he looked at me like, those bee's are dumb.

I've had to get good at silent laughing.

Friday, June 22, 2012

We're Not Getting Any Younger!

As any mother does, I try to take as many pictures of the boys as I can. The time that they are little has already flown by. Sammy is 6 and Liam will be 4 in a month. So after playing outside for awhile they came in to cool off. I thought this was a good time to take some pictures. I took a few of them separately and then asked if they could sit by each other for me to get one of them together. Reluctantly they did and while I was trying to make sure this was the right spot for lighting, Sammy is smiling saying the above "we're not getting any younger!"  Ironically this is the exact reason I wanted to take pictures.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Liam's Imatation Of Life

When someone ask me what first attracted me to Josh, I say that first it was those gorgeous blue eyes of his. Then, it was his charming ways. I have recently learned that the charm didn't fall far from the tree. Pretty much every night Liam will put on Josh's glasses and says " I'm daddy you be mommy, Sammy, and or daddy." We play along and then he imitates what he thinks Josh would say or do. So when he did it the other night, he was Josh and I was instructed to be Sammy. Playing the part of Sammy I said " daddy I need help playing a game on the laptop." Liam playing the part of Josh responded in an attempt at a deep voice with " I can't right now son I have to kiss my beautiful mother." I am sure he meant to say wife instead of mother he was probably just confused at who he was portraying at the moment. I thought how sweet he was being, but the next day while playing outside the girl from next door came outside. Liam runs to the border of our yards and puts both arms up enough that his shirt showed his stomach and he said " oh these muscles of mine what am I going to do with them." It was at that moment I knew he had inherited his fathers charm and a little of his corniness. It was also then that the fear of him being a teenager chilled me to the bones.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I think Cup Cake Reads This Blog!

First let me say that it is a pet peeve of mine to have a blog and not write something frequently. I apologize that I have done that myself. But, I believe I am back on track.

Cup Cake is one of the best dogs I have ever been around. She listens so well, learns so fast, and is the perfect companion. Everyone she comes in contact with comments on how great she is. She got groomed this weekend and the groomer couldn't believe that Cup Cake just let her do her job without a moments trouble. And she seems to love everyone. Everyone that is except Liam. Any other kid can be around her and pull at her, pet her, they can be loud, run around, and she shows no sign of it bothering her. But, if Liam stands by her, she growls. If he tries petting her, she growls. If he picks up her toy, she doesn't want to play. I wish I could say I was surprised. Aunt Garlyn put it best when she said this is pay back for all the people Liam has growled at. When I took the above picture Cup Cake started off with most of her body in his lap, but she is trying so hard to get away from him only her head could be held on to.

I know exactly why Cup Cake reacts this way as does anyone who reads this blog. Liam is not the easiest going person. He has to have a beef with someone. He claims that he really likes Cup Cake and wants to be good to her. Then, I catch him trying to put a clothes pin on her tail. I caught him that time but who knows if he succeeded another time. So there is only one of two options, she is either a very intuitive dog or she reads this blog and knew what she was getting into.

Monday, May 21, 2012

2 Active Boys + A Mommy With Half A Thyroid = A Very Long Day

It's no secret that I have been dealing with some health issues lately. As usual the doctors don't quite know what is going on and hopefully after a series of test they will finally have an answer as to what is going on with me. Until then this is how my days have been going.
 I barely sleep at night then, around 5:00 am I feel like I could get into a deep sleep. That is suddenly interrupted by Liam getting as close to my face as possible to loudly inform me its morning time! At this point Sammy is usually already up and having a rather lengthy conversation with Cupcake. I beg Josh to get them set up and let me just sleep 20 more minutes which he very lovingly does. My 20 minutes is usually shortened by the high noise level coming from the playroom or Liam thinking I am the only person who can make coffee and bagels. I stumble up unable to drink a cup of coffee myself because I have to take thyroid medicine that prevents me from eating or drinking for 30 minutes.
The only thing that keeps me awake is my dad coming over for coffee followed by a number of stories from Sammy that I technically already heard when he was talking to Cupcake. The boys help me not to drift off by making sure I am not relieved of my duties as a Super Hero's sidekick. All the time I am dizzy, have a headache, and would give my left arm for some sleep.
Thankfully lunch time comes early when you wake up early. After that I force them to lay down with me since they recently opened the door to a stranger while I was in the bathroom they can't be trusted. They usually fight me about a nap until they both peacefully fall asleep. By this time I have to pee for the nine hundredth time that day. (another wonderful side effect of the thyroid medicine) This stops me from having a nap. So I wake up almost as tired as I went to sleep. More rounds of fighting, even longer stories, and a whole lot more energy since they got a nap. Still drowsy I settle disputes, make snacks, space out, count down the minutes until Josh gets home, and try to think with a brain that isn't working, about what's for dinner.
In the mean time I sit outside while they play thinking the whole time how comfortable my bed is. Walk Cupcake thinking I could fall asleep standing up, and then have dinner with my family while wondering if I fall face first into my plate will anyone notice?
I guess my point is that I am a very tired mommy. At the end of the day I don't remember how I got through it and then sleep for 2 hours, try to convince myself that if I sleep 4 hours I will feel great the next day. Only to watch the hours go by knowing there isn't much time before Liam will once again inform me its morning time!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


  The boys finally seem to be at a place in their lives where they want to play together. Yesterday I was in my room just listening to them talk. They have some very interesting conversations. They were playing their version of Star Wars. From my room this is what I hear; Sammy saying " OK Liam we have a big mountain to jump over and when you have to make a big jump you have to say Geramino." Liam proceeds to practice saying the word and then informs Sammy when he is ready to make the jump. Then, all I hear is some very loud jumping followed by the word Geranimo being repeated several times by the both of them. Those must have been some mountains.

Our Family Is Growing!

After much consideration Josh and I decided that one more would make our family complete. We really wanted a girl and that's just what we got! So introducing Cup Cake. Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief that its not another child I am talking about. She is a sweet girl who loves the boys and they are completely in love with her. Just when I thought my days of poop were over, now I am following around this little 12 lb creature while I hold a black bag to pick up after she finishes her "business." This should be the last expansion our family makes. The sad part is that she is probably a lot cuter than a a human daughter Josh and I would produce. I mean don't get me wrong our boys are handsome boys, but they wouldn't be the cutest girls. We would end up with a wide, big boned girl, who may or may not eventually loose her hair. So this seemed like a good alternative.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Indi Visible Bo Bo's

Kissing bo bo's has been around as long as mankind. Kids love when they can show there "war" wounds. My boys are no exception. Of course I have always tried to make them feel that my kisses can heal their scrapes and bites. Even when Liam comes limping in because the grass grazed his foot or when Samuel tripped over his own feet I stop what I am doing to attend to them. Most of the time a band aid and neosporin aren't even necessary, but we invest in them anyway. Around here band aids are used on new and really old bo bo's. So this morning when Liam was looking for some lovin' but couldn't find a bo bo anywhere on his body he said " My bo bo's are indi visible." In which Sammy responded " I have some of those too." Josh swooped Liam up to give those indi visible bo bo's some attention. And I kissed Sammy's forehead just so he didn't feel left out. Josh and I never mind this part of the job and as long as these two little boys have visible or indi visible bo bo's we will be there with kissed and band aids. If we would have known how many band aids we would use in their lifetimes we would have bought some stock in them early on.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sometimes I Love You, And Sometimes I Don't

My dear son Liam can be a handful most of the time. At night though I get to see a much softer calmer side of him. When he is tired with heavy eyes he becomes very affectionate and a sweet talker. He often will lay next to me with his arms around my neck, kissing my cheeks and telling me how much he loves his mommy. Last night when he cuddled up next to me and gave me that big hug my heart warmed. Seeing those little lips form to give me a big kiss well, its a moment that I treasure. After my endearing hugs and kisses he said "Mommy I need to tell you something." Having shared such a special moment I was ready to hear what a wonderful mom he thinks I am or how pretty I am in his eyes. Instead he said "Sometimes I really love you, and sometimes I don't." I wish these type of comments from Liam would surprise me but they don't. So I calmly asked "is this a time that you love me?" He quickly responded "Yes" so naturally the next question was " then when don't you love me?" He looked at me so seriously with those big blue eyes heavy with tiredness and said " let me think... Like when you spank me or tell me to do something I don't want to do."  I just simply replied that  I'll take all the love I can get from him and tried in my drowsy state reminded him that it might hurt my feelings when he says he doesn't love me. In true Liam form having to always have the last word he said " Well, then don't spank me and I'll always love you." I just turned my head and smiled to myself in the dark thinking that when I was pregnant for him, I told Josh "this one is going to be something else." Boy was I right!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

FFFFinally FFFFeeling Better

I have always been sensitive to medications. I easily get loopy, hysterically laugh or cry, and have been known to say a few four letter words while taking Rx medications. So when my Doctor put me on Synthroid for my thyroid it was expected that I would experience some side effect. What was surprising is that for the first three days I stuttered uncontrollably. It is a rare side effect, so of course its the one I got. One might think that after all I write about my kids may or may not notice this. Well, they did. Sammy would look at me like I was an alien and Liam often got frustrated with me and would say " stop doing that!" Thankfully I could have a good sense of humor about it otherwise I might have gotten my feelings hurt. Its not like I haven't had to deal with more than one of their "quirks". For example, Sammy telling me he would like to tell me something and then saying repeatedly "I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that, I want to tell you that"..... and then I say "what is it!?" His response is "Mommy are you mad? Why do you sound mad?" But, I put a smile on and reassure him that I am not upset I just want him to get to the point. So when he gave me that look for not being able to quickly get my own thoughts out you can imagine how I felt.
Then, of course Liam who likes to talk about bodily functions on a regular basis, whether we are in public, private, or just saying goodnight he works the word gas into all of his sentences. But I frustrated him. Josh was the nicest of all other than my mother, unlike my older sisters who found it quite funny. Those where the longest three days but, I made it through and I am hoping to be on the road to recovery. I wouldn't want to put this bunch I live with through too much more. I can only dream of being shown the same consideration :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Name Change

As you may have noticed I changed the name of my blog. Since Liam is fully potty trained and diapers with over flowing poop is no longer an active part of my life I wanted to be rid of it completely.  So now when I am rushing through the grocery store sweating, pushing a full cart at least I smile not having to go into the baby section.
I hope all who read this blog will continue to enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. The stories will still be unbelievably true. Just because the name changed certainly doesn't mean the ones I write about have.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Very Own Simon Cowell

We have had as usual a long bad battle with a cold. All four of us caught it and it didn't want to let go. Since Sammy seems to keep things the longest and as I have mentioned before is affected unlike any of us. A high fever means he will be super hyper, unable to sleep, and when he does he has nightmares. So when he came to bed and wanted to snuggle I was thrilled to have a break. Then he sweetly said " Mommy please sing me a song." Even though I wasn't feeling well myself I would do anything to comfort him at this time. I cleared my throat and half awake went into a rendition of "You are My Sunshine". After I was finished Sammy looked at me with those big blue eyes and said " Thank you mommy. Your singing was so bad it scared away all the bad dreams." He was as sincere as he could be and I believe he thought my intentions were to sing badly. I will admit he may not be the first person I have come across who hasn't enjoyed my singing voice, but its not like I was auditioning for America Idol. I was trying to comfort my sick child. If I had known judgement would come after I would have picked something more in my range. So I will keep my day job of mothering and have a little more sympathy for the contestants who have their dreams shattered.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Secret Identities

When I was a little girl I use to play "Ladies" with my sister and many of our friends. This usually involved purses, jewelry, and old check books. We had famous husbands who were mega billionaires. My dad even stood in as butler / waiter when he was home. We were served white wine (milk) and the finest cavier (total and cheese my dad's invention). We gave servers tips of twenty thousand dollars. Keisha used the broom as her husband and mine was the mop. Unfortunately he didn't become a servant of Jehovah right away due to his long hair. But, when mama bought a sponge mop I shrieked with joy that my husband could get baptized. If any one would have told that little girl she would end up having two little boys who included her in all their "gentlemen" games she wouldn't have believed it. Now I'm Super Woman, Bat Woman, Iron Man Woman, Spider Woman, She Hulk, and the occasional villian. I have numerous powers including but not limited to webs, solar rays, extreme strength, and most days I can fly.
I don't need a purse anymore it's been replaced with armor, shields, and gadgets. I no longer have a butler instead I have a sidekick. No more jewelry, I wear various capes and suits. And now a days when hunger is felt across the room I'm the server. It doesn't tip as well as it use to.
As a little girl my days were filled with what I thought was fun. Now, as a mother its filled with what my boys think is fun and I completely understand why my dad always participated.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Look who's a big boy now!

There is an episode of Seinfield where right before summer begins George loses his job again, and unexpectedly gets a nice severance check. He stands up proudly and exclaims "this will be the summer of George!" Well this is going to be the "summer of Kristi!" Liam is officially potty trained. We had to get through some crying, whining, and a few screaming sessions but, I got myself together and we successfully accomplished the process. Anyone who reads this blog knows Liam has always been a bit of a challenge to me, so because he is actually doing it with no accidents I still get so excited each time. Josh is probably getting tired of hearing how many times a day his son goes to the bathroom. I just can't believe we get to go through this summer without diapers.
Here are a few things I observed along the way. First, why do tightie whities look so adorable on little boys? They sure do lose their cuteness as the years go on. Second, as soon as a boy learns he can aim, he does so everywhere except where he is suppose to. That also loses its cuteness as the years go on. Lastly, I don't understand how going #2 makes kids want to talk so much. I sit there with a smile like any other mother would, because I would rather hear what they have to say than change the diaper of an almost 4 year old.
I am hoping this will prompt me to change the name of this blog but only time will tell that.

Monday, March 5, 2012

An Ode to My Life.

It started with a picture, to see those blue eyes made my heart go boom boom.
After the wedding came the first year then, the delivery room.
So a little boy was born who's eyes would not shut.
His mommy ran on fumes and went putt, putt, putt.
Many tears were shed for the daddy to realize "she needs to be by her family."
We settled in and it didn't take long to see our son does not act normally.
But, our concerns were put on hold because mommy had another one on the way.
To their surprise this little boy for three weeks slept all day.
An active two year old and a sleeping baby, oh but that did not last long.
Mommy looked to daddy and said "with you there is something wrong."
You did not give me children that sleep, they stay awake and eat all day!
Mommy and daddy had to find a way for their marriage in tact to stay.
Somehow they survived this battle,
And made sure they would never have to buy another baby rattle.
Two was more than enough for this pair.
Daddy went to work with a smile and mommy did all the work this was not fair.
Time went by and came many a milestone.
Things were not easy but mommy realized she had to change her tone.
The years have passed by not so fast
Everyday they are thankful the baby days do not last.
They would finally get some kind of break,
Six years is all it would take.
Mommy has heard you are not given more than you can take.
For her that means always being awake.
This mommy is just so happy,
That everyone here uses the toilet to pee pee.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Overall, it Went Well.

After all the stories I have told about our family at the meetings, I was nervous, to say the least about our 2 day assembly. Liam was dressed to the nines well, for a Pierson and Sammy had his usual t-shirt, cargo pants, and shoes with no socks. We got there Saturday just as the session started. After having their morning snack which would be considered some people's lunch and a few "get your finger out of your nose and don't wipe that on anything", it was time for lunch. The excited look on my boys face when we were singing before intermission was priceless. You could tell they were thinking "this wasn't so bad. Now lets get home." So when we went to eat lunch there was still a sparkle in their eyes. But, when we didn't leave it went from priceless to if looks could kill. But despite it all we made it through the day. And when we did arrive home the energy these two had was unbelievable. Josh and I on the other hand thought we would have to pull over at a rest stop on the hour drive home to take a nap. Then Sunday came and we had to bribe with McDonald's to get Sammy out the door. I put my makeup on in the car so we could be on time. When we got to Micky D's Liam said he wanted nothing until he saw my order and then decided he wanted exactly what I got. So trying to be a good mommy (really I was just trying to avoid another meltdown) I gave my breakfast to Liam. We made it on time and as soon as the session started the bagel sandwich Sammy had just didn't hit the spot so off we were again for the morning snack. I feel the need to mention Sammy is terrified of heights. That meant when we went upstairs for lunch he had to be carried down the stairs and since Josh was carrying the bags and Liam the job of holding our 56 lbs 5 yr old was mine. I got to the bottom sweating like I just got out of a sauna because I was wearing my 4 inch boots. It was about this time Josh and I would have welcomed one of our kids having a fever or something that would have led to us having to leave and go home. Of course, this is the one time they were healthy and we made it again through the day. The afternoon consisted of two more snack times and a lot more sweating. On the way home the boys fell asleep and Josh and I talked about how nice our weekend was. For some this may have been a lot to handle for our little family it was a great weekend.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Even Darth Vader has to use the bathroom.

Potty training has begun! Of course when the child who you are trying to train is stubborn, smart, and cries so loud your ears ring its not as exciting as it should be.
We started last week and if he would have used the effort he has put forth to fake cry he could have already mastered it. He doesn't want any praise or recognition for this accomplishment. His famous phrase is "lets not talk about this." Sammy has tried very hard to take on the role of a good big brother and help but his tactic was saying " for crying out loud this is how you do it" while pulling his shorts down to his ankles. For some unknown reason Liam didn't respond well to that. But, even through the stubbornness and fighting he still is doing it. And as our Circuit Assembly approaches we are both relieved and scared to have reached this point. It should be a very interesting weekend.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Catch Up.

It has been such a busy couple of weeks I haven't even had the time to write. So here is a brief overview of what our lives have been like.
Starting with Sammy. We had to go 2 days for testing with the school to see if he qualified for therapy through them. The first day didn't go so well as he wasn't happy about being at a school regardless of what games they wanted to play. But, we got through it and he even opted to forgo a toy and go straight to his "brother" Landon's house. The second time he knew more of what to expect and did a lot better. It did take a little longer considering Sammy had some information he wanted to share with the ladies. Including but not limited to Peter Parker's secret identity is Spider Man, all the Hero Factory toys he has and what purpose they each serve, as well as all the things he could remember about Iron Man. He also informed them that Connor and Landon I quote " have lots and lots of money." I'll have to check those facts but the teachers seemed impressed.
Now, on to Liam. Aunt Garlyn and Cameron were visiting and Garlyn was sure she could get him to go on the potty. Of course he did great for her. He never actually went pee pee but, he did wear underwear and try. As soon as she left for the store he peed all over Keisha's kitchen floor. So we are back to square one with that.
As a family we are trying to make sure everyone has a part in clean up at night so mommy isn't so completely overwhelmed. Last night I asked Sammy and Liam to pick up the play room and Sammy said " we already made the mess why do we have to clean it up too?"  So that pretty much sums up how that is going. Me pointing to exactly what needs to be picked up and exactly where it goes and Liam trying his best to use his smallness to his advantage while hiding from me, and Sammy complaining how many aches and pains cleaning causes him.
I've been asked if I ever wish for a normal day and my response is and always will be "this is my normal.'

Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Toss

The boys have been talking about having a snow ball fight since last winter. Because we had a late snow this year, the first chance they got they wanted to go out. Josh is smart, funny, and good at what he does. Athletic isn't his strongest quality. Don't get me wrong he will be the first to sign up for a congregation softball game but, he usually isn't the pitcher he is a great out fielder though. Well, it looks like the boys might not only look and act like him but they throw like him too. This picture says it all. Sammy's snow balls came apart as soon as they hit air, Josh almost fell trying to throw his, and Liam aimed low. But the important thing is they had fun and I got a good laugh.

A Day in the Life of Meeting Night.

I like to imagine what its like for other families on meeting nights. I think about how they prepare for the meetings, have dinner and then at the appropriate time get dressed. I assume they walk out and the kids jump in the car. That sounds delightful! This is how our past Tuesday went; After having coffee with Paw Paw I got my books together to study that was around 10:30 am. I didn't get to prepare at that moment though. It was time to make the mid morning snack, break up several fights about imaginary things being taken from one another, then it was lunch time which meant I gulped down something and while chewing was counting the points of my food. I sat down only to be called to clean up the lunch that had been dropped (it doesn't matter by whom since it happens daily) after I had to change diapers, and clothes since a spot in the shirt is traumatic for two of the messiest boys in the world. This probably sounds like a simple task but since Sammy only wants blue or super hero shirts and Liam only wants green it isn't simple. By then it was time for the afternoon snack and off to nap time. Thinking I would study while Liam slept was silly of me. Sammy wanted some special time with me that means I listen as he tells a very long story while acting it out I assume. His loud stomping and even louder whispers wake Liam up who acts like he hasn't been fed at all that day. Now its time for mid afternoon snacks. So by 4:30 when I finally studied I had the wrong KM but, I finally got the right info and my studying was done. After feeding the boys dinner, Sammy had 4 pulled pork sandwiches Josh got home and I was able to take a shower. When it was time to get them dressed. Josh got a phone call (he is on call this week) and wasn't able to help. Liam got dressed no problem Sammy hated everything I had picked out for him. After trying on 4 things he found something wrong with everything I told him he had to pick something and he picked the sleeveless shirt he was wearing and a sweater vest to go over it which brought out the Pierson fashion sense in him. We of course were late because Josh was on the phone but, we got there.  Sammy picked his nose most of the time but we were there. So if at any time during the meeting someone looks over and I appear to be day dreaming its because I am, and its about what it might have been like for someone who is handicap or for the one who has to rush to the meeting and how I would trade with them for a day.

Monday, January 23, 2012

How was your weekend?

We had one of the best weekends we've had in a long time. The boys and I have had this virus that is like a cold and makes me extremely tired and the two of them extremely moody. After a week of feeling like my head would never be clear I got to go grocery shopping for a weeks worth of food on a budget. I came home and Josh's gout is acting up so he is having trouble walking. Then after a much needed family nap, I was waiting for my lifetime movie of the week to come on but I missed it by an hour. Thankfully Sunday turned out much better. I barely slept the night before so Josh got up with the boys and and let me sleep. I woke up with a terrible headache and my head was so foggy. Most of my day was spent in bed along with Liam who was attached to me and screamed several times very loudly. But, today is Monday and we are off to a good start. Liam had horrible diarrhea twice before noon and it smelled like death, Sammy is having uncontrollable gas, and I have a large fever blister on top of my lip. This week's looking up already. All we can hope for is diarrhea a couple times a day and we have Sammy's testing with the special education district to look forward to.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hard at Work.

Like most parents Josh and I want to raise responsible children. In trying to achieve that we give them chores. It usual consist of helping with the dusting, putting dishes in the sink, and taking the dirty clothes to the laundry room. Since they have such short attention spans we try to keep it simple. And normally with some firm direction they are helpful with the exception of the two of them claiming "why do we have to do everything." So, when Josh asked them to simple roll the laundry hamper into the room this is how he finds them. Liam of course how to find a pair of socks to wear and since they are his fathers they go up to his thighs. Sammy took a pit stop since the walk was so far. This is the perfect portrait of them doing "everything."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Butterscotch Pudding.

Having kids has made my life better in so many ways. I have learned things about myself and what I am capable of that I otherwise would never have known. I can now have patience in ways I never could before. And even though I never considered myself haughty being a mom has without a doubt humbled me. That being said, I love the taste of butterscotch. Whether its candy, ice cream, or one of my favorites, pudding. Its one of my comfort foods. I usually treat myself on occasion to it. So of all the good these two boys have brought to my life, they ruined butterscotch pudding for me!
When my kids get sick it goes like this, sneeze-going to have diarrhea, cough-going to have diarrhea, have fever- going to have diarrhea, and so on, I think you get the point. So when Liam sneezed at the meeting Sunday I knew that meant he was coming down with something and that would equal diarrhea. That would also mean he would pass whatever it is on to his brother and that would also equal diarrhea. So, now that they both have colds and we are going on 4 days of colds/diarrhea I won't be able to look at butterscotch pudding for quite a while. You know its bad when the smell hits and your not even in the same room as them. Or when you are changing a diaper only to hear "mommy I'm done" from the other room. When 30 mins after it over you still smell it like it just happened. When your husband comes home and wonders what horrible thing did I burn for dinner and its just the smell lingering.
And if anyone who reads this was thinking that the title of this blog didn't seem to apply anymore I'm here to tell you it does!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where's my dollar?

As a parent you are never prepared for what your children will say. After Sammy lost his first tooth he was very upset that he had lost that tooth forever. I was trying to explain to him that those are only his baby teeth. I asked if he knew what happens when baby teeth fall out and he replied "yes I put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy will bring me a dollar." My first thought was "a dollar?" but of course I didn't tell him that. I explained that was false. He lost his second tooth, and today he asked if he could see it. I showed him the tooth and he said "I wonder when I'm getting my dollar for that?" I'm so glad he takes our talks to heart. By the way even if we did believe in the tooth fairy she wouldn't be leaving a dollar that's for sure.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Read the fine print before signing.

Liam seems to get a real thrill out of irritating Sammy. He will usually follow Sammy around, repeat everything Sammy says, or waits until just the right moment to get to his brothers special toy seconds before Sammy, which infuriates him. So last week when Sammy woke up on the defense with a list of things he didn't want Liam doing, of course I had to referee. I explained that Liam just loves him so much and wants them to be best friends. Sammy replied that he already has a BFF and its Landon. OK, different approach. I reminded Sammy that Liam is the only brother he has and that they will be brothers forever. So instead of constantly talking about what they don't like they should try to get along. I almost smiled thinking I had reached Sammy's heart and that I had done a good job of settling this when Sammy put his right hand on his forehead and said " I didn't sign up for this!" In my head I am saying "of course you didn't none of us did! Do you think when I signed up for JW Connect I thought I would get a non stop pooping, all have issues family?" But, you can't tell a 5 year old that. I decided to wait for Josh to get home and take it out on him :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Flipping Off and Flirting On.

Another meeting came and even though the boys are doing much better, last night a few apologies had to be made. We had four very pretty girls sitting behind us and Liam kept blowing kisses to them and then pointing to the girl that kiss was intended for. If that didn't make those girls giggle enough, Sammy unknowingly flipped them off several times. His two middle fingers seemed to go anywhere but down last night. I was just thankful the usual booger wasn't on either one of those fingers. Our typical talk on the way to the meeting is no running, whisper if you have to talk, and nothing that comes out of your body is to wiped on any seats, walls, ect.